- SB 1129 - White - Enacts provisions relating to insurance coverage of pharmacy services
LR: 5505S.01I
- 2/7/2022 -- S First Read
- SB 1130 - Washington - Modifies provisions relating to earned compliance credits for probation
LR: 5281S.01I
- 2/7/2022 -- S First Read
- SB 1131 - Roberts - Modifies provisions relating to arrests by private persons
LR: 4897S.01I
- 2/7/2022 -- S First Read
- SB 1132 - Roberts - Modifies provisions relating to wrongful convictions
LR: 5267S.01I
- 2/7/2022 -- S First Read
- SCR 32 - Eigel - Strongly urges the U.S. Congress to propose the State Powers Amendment to the U.S. Constitution
LR: 5179S.01I
- 2/7/2022 -- S offered
- SJR 49 - Mosley - Modifies term limits for members of the General Assembly
LR: 5451S.01I
- 2/7/2022 -- S First Read
- SJR 50 - Eigel - Prohibits laws or public policies infringing on the right of individuals to refuse medical procedures or treatments
LR: 5084S.02I
- 2/7/2022 -- S First Read
- HB 2117 - Shaul - Modifies the composition of the congressional districts
LR: 4875S.05F SS#2 HCS HB 2117
- 2/7/2022 -- SS S offered (Bernskoetter)--(4875S.03F)
- 2/7/2022 -- SA 1 to SS S offered & defeated (Eigel)--(4875S03.06S)
- 2/7/2022 -- SA 2 to SS S offered (Roberts)--(4875S03.07S)
- 2/7/2022 -- SA 1 to SA 2 to SS S offered & adopted (Rowden)--(4875S03.11S)
- 2/7/2022 -- SA 2 to SS, as amended, S withdrawn (Roberts)--(4875S03.07S)
- 2/7/2022 -- SA 3 to SS S offered (Roberts)--(4875S03.13S)
- 2/7/2022 -- Bill Placed on Informal Calendar
- 2/7/2022 -- SS S withdrawn
- 2/7/2022 -- SA 1 S offered (Onder)--(4875H02.06S)
- 2/7/2022 -- Bill Placed on Informal Calendar