- SB 641 - Schupp - Enacts provisions relating to continuous insurance coverage of prescription contraceptives
LR: 4104S.01I
- 2/8/2022 -- Hearing Cancelled S Insurance and Banking Committee
- SB 690 - Thompson Rehder - Modifies provisions of law relating to health care
LR: 3344H.09C HCS SS SB 690
- 2/8/2022 -- Hearing Cancelled S General Laws Committee
- SB 691 - Thompson Rehder - Requires school districts to conduct criminal background checks on certain adults seeking enrollment in courses taught at public schools
LR: 3513S.01I
- 2/8/2022 -- Hearing Cancelled S Education Committee
- SB 703 - Eslinger - Modifies provisions relating to workforce development in elementary and secondary education
LR: 4231S.02I
- 2/8/2022 -- Hearing Cancelled S Education Committee
- SB 716 - Roberts - Creates new provisions relating to financial institutions
LR: 4386S.01I
- 2/8/2022 -- Hearing Cancelled S Insurance and Banking Committee
- SB 717 - Washington - Authorizes a tax credit for urban farms
LR: 3038S.01I
- 2/8/2022 -- Hearing Cancelled S Economic Development Committee
- SB 783 - Eslinger - Modifies provisions relating to insurance
LR: 4260H.10C HCS SS SCS SB 783
- 2/8/2022 -- Hearing Cancelled S Insurance and Banking Committee
- SB 786 - Bean - Establishes a reimbursement program for peace officer training
LR: 4228S.01I
- 2/8/2022 -- Hearing Cancelled S Transportation, Infrastructure and Public Safety Committee
- SB 796 - Mosley - Repeals an annual mileage limitation applicable to historic motor vehicles
LR: 3170S.01I
- 2/8/2022 -- Hearing Cancelled S Transportation, Infrastructure and Public Safety Committee
- SB 849 - Bean - Establishes the "Stars and Stripes Historic Region of Missouri"
LR: 4322S.01I
- 2/8/2022 -- Hearing Cancelled S General Laws Committee
- SB 863 - Onder - Modifies provisions relating to worker classification
LR: 4138S.01I
- 2/8/2022 -- Hearing Cancelled S Small Business and Industry Committee
- SB 864 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions relating to membership on certain state administrative entities
LR: 3528S.02C SCS SB 864
- 2/8/2022 -- Hearing Cancelled S Economic Development Committee
- SB 865 - Hoskins - Modifies the membership of the Missouri Development Finance Board
LR: 3529S.01I
- 2/8/2022 -- Hearing Cancelled S Economic Development Committee
- SB 867 - Koenig - Establishes the Missouri Statewide Mechanical Contractor Licensing Act
LR: 3601S.03C SCS SB 867
- 2/8/2022 -- Hearing Cancelled S General Laws Committee
- SB 868 - Koenig - Modifies provisions relating to tax credits
LR: 4306S.01I
- 2/8/2022 -- Hearing Cancelled S Economic Development Committee
- SB 876 - Bernskoetter - Creates new provisions requiring employers to make an automation adjustment payments
LR: 4020S.02I
- 2/8/2022 -- Hearing Cancelled S Small Business and Industry Committee
- SB 877 - Bernskoetter - Modifies provisions relating to business entities registered with the secretary of state
LR: 4021S.01I
- 2/8/2022 -- Hearing Cancelled S Small Business and Industry Committee