- SB 654 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to elections
LR: 4383S.05C SCS SB 654
- 3/23/2022 -- SCS Voted Do Pass S Local Government and Elections Committee (4383S.05C)
- SB 668 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to elections
LR: 4199S.01I
- 3/23/2022 -- Hearing Conducted S Local Government and Elections Committee
- SB 695 - Brattin - Modifies various provisions relating to elections
LR: 3901S.04I
- 3/23/2022 -- Hearing Conducted S Local Government and Elections Committee
- SB 704 - Eslinger - Modifies provisions relating to salary schedules for third class counties
LR: 4363S.01I
- 3/23/2022 -- Voted Do Pass S Local Government and Elections Committee
- SB 742 - Crawford - Enacts provisions relating to insurance
LR: 4236S.02P SS SB 742
- 3/23/2022 -- Voted Do Pass S Commerce, Consumer Protection, Energy and the Environment Committee
- SB 758 - Hough - Modifies various provisions relating to bidding procedures for certain public projects for facilities
LR: 3896S.10T SS#3 SCS SB 758
- 3/23/2022 -- SS for SCS S offered (Hough)--(3896S.08F)
- 3/23/2022 -- SA 1 to SS for SCS S offered (Eigel)--(3896S08.04S)
- 3/23/2022 -- SSA 1 for SA 1 to SS for SCS S offered (Eslinger)--(3896S08.11S)
- 3/23/2022 -- SA 1 to SS for SCS S withdrawn
- 3/23/2022 -- SA 2 to SS for SCS S offered (Eigel)--(3896S08.13S)
- 3/23/2022 -- SA 1 to SA 2 to SS for SCS S offered (Eigel)--(3896S08.14S)
- 3/23/2022 -- SS for SCS S withdrawn
- 3/23/2022 -- SS#2 for SCS S offered (Hough)--(3896S.09F)
- 3/23/2022 -- SA 1 to SS#2 for SCS S offered (Eslinger)--(3896S09.01S)
- 3/23/2022 -- SA 1 to SA 1 to SS#2 for SCS S offered (Eslinger)--(3896S09.03S)
- 3/23/2022 -- Bill Placed on Informal Calendar
- SB 775 - Thompson Rehder - Modifies provisions relating to judicial proceedings
LR: 3386S.11T CCS HCS SS SCS SBs 775, 751 & 640
- 3/23/2022 -- Reported Truly Perfected S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee
- 3/23/2022 -- Referred S Governmental Accountability and Fiscal Oversight Committee
- SB 812 - Eigel - Modifies provisions relating to elections
LR: 4164H.05C HCS SS SB 812
- 3/23/2022 -- Voted Do Pass S Local Government and Elections Committee
- SB 843 - Moon - Modifies provisions relating to gender reassignment treatment for children
LR: 4189S.04C SCS SB 843
- 3/23/2022 -- Hearing Conducted S Seniors, Families, Veterans & Military Affairs Committee
- SB 923 - Brattin - Requires internet service providers to authenticate access to obscene websites and provide subscribers the ability to create an authentication to access such websites
LR: 3637S.01I
- 3/23/2022 -- Voted Do Pass S Commerce, Consumer Protection, Energy and the Environment Committee
- SB 953 - White - Modifies the civil penalty for violating federally mandated natural gas safety standards
LR: 3746S.01I
- 3/23/2022 -- Hearing Conducted S Commerce, Consumer Protection, Energy and the Environment Committee
- SB 983 - Williams - Modifies provisions relating to Holocaust education
LR: 4284S.01I
- 3/23/2022 -- Hearing Conducted S Progress and Development Committee
- SB 989 - Cierpiot - Modifies provisions relating to assessments against public utilities
LR: 3372S.01I
- 3/23/2022 -- SCS Voted Do Pass S Commerce, Consumer Protection, Energy and the Environment Committee (3372S.03C)
- SB 994 - Washington - Creates new provisions prohibiting discrimination based on hairstyles
LR: 3041S.02I
- 3/23/2022 -- Voted Do Pass S Progress and Development Committee
- SB 1007 - Eigel - Creates provisions relating to reorganized common sewer districts
LR: 4889S.01I
- 3/23/2022 -- Hearing Conducted S Commerce, Consumer Protection, Energy and the Environment Committee
- SB 1037 - Thompson Rehder - Modifies provisions relating to naltrexone hydrochloride
LR: 4892S.01I
- 3/23/2022 -- Hearing Conducted S Seniors, Families, Veterans & Military Affairs Committee
- SB 1045 - Schupp - Modifies provisions relating to the Department of Health and Senior Services
LR: 5062S.01I
- 3/23/2022 -- Hearing Conducted S Seniors, Families, Veterans & Military Affairs Committee
- SB 1065 - Hoskins - Modifies various provisions relating to elections
LR: 5296S.01I
- 3/23/2022 -- Hearing Conducted S Local Government and Elections Committee
- SB 1106 - Thompson Rehder - Modifies provisions relating to funding for housing programs
LR: 4967S.04I
- 3/23/2022 -- Hearing Conducted S Seniors, Families, Veterans & Military Affairs Committee
- SB 1147 - Washington - Requires the MO HealthNet Division to conduct an annual review of services available for enrollees with sickle cell disease
LR: 5360S.01I
- 3/23/2022 -- Hearing Conducted S Health and Pensions Committee
- SB 1170 - Schupp - Provides for school contracted agents trained by a nurse to administer an epinephrine auto syringe
LR: 5521S.02I
- 3/23/2022 -- Hearing Conducted S Health and Pensions Committee
- SB 1178 - White - Modifies provisions relating to abortion, including the importation and distribution of drugs used to perform or induce abortions
LR: 5759S.03C SCS SB 1178
- 3/23/2022 -- Hearing Conducted S Seniors, Families, Veterans & Military Affairs Committee
- HB 1606 - McGaugh - Modifies provisions relating to county officials
LR: 3703H.08T CCS SS SCS HCS HB 1606
- 3/23/2022 -- S First Read
- HB 1686 - Hardwick - Modifies provisions relating to refusal of medical procedures or treatment
LR: 3452H.02P HCS HB 1686
- 3/23/2022 -- Hearing Conducted S Commerce, Consumer Protection, Energy and the Environment Committee
- HB 1856 - Baker - Establishes the "Extended Learning Opportunities Act"
LR: 3790S.02C SCS HB 1856
- 3/23/2022 -- S First Read
- HB 1962 - Copeland - Modifies provisions relating to local log trucks
LR: 3616H.01P
- 3/23/2022 -- S First Read
- HB 1984 - Hovis - Modifies terms of active employee members of the Board of Trustees of Missouri Department of Transportation and Highway Patrol Employees' Retirement System
LR: 3712H.02P HCS HB 1984
- 3/23/2022 -- S First Read
- HB 2117 - Shaul - Modifies the composition of the congressional districts
LR: 4875S.05F SS#2 HCS HB 2117
- 3/23/2022 -- Motion to lay SA 1 on table S adopted (Rowden)
- 3/23/2022 -- SS#2 S offered (Bernskoetter)--(4875S.05F)
- 3/23/2022 -- SA 1 to SS#2 S offered (Bernskoetter)--(4875S05.01S)
- 3/23/2022 -- SA 1 to SA 1 to SS#2 S offered & defeated (Moon)--(4875S05.06S)
- 3/23/2022 -- SA 2 to SA 1 to SS#2 S offered & adopted (Koenig)--(4875S05.09S)
- 3/23/2022 -- SA 1, as amended, to SS#2 S adopted
- 3/23/2022 -- SS#2, as amended, S adopted
- 3/23/2022 -- S Third Read and Passed - EC adopted
- HB 2163 - Houx - Modifies provisions relating to the right of sepulcher
LR: 3661H.01P
- 3/23/2022 -- S First Read
- HB 2193 - Toalson Reisch - Modifies provisions relating to the reemployment rights of members of Missouri Task Force One who are called to active duty
LR: 4861H.01P
- 3/23/2022 -- S First Read
- HB 2202 - Fitzwater - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education
LR: 4721S.03C SCS HB 2202
- 3/23/2022 -- S First Read
- HB 2355 - Andrews - Modifies provisions related to emergency health care services
LR: 3745H.03P
- 3/23/2022 -- S First Read
- HB 2358 - Evans - Creates new provisions relating to COVID-19 vaccination requirements
LR: 5072H.02P HCS HBs 2358 & 1485
- 3/23/2022 -- Hearing Conducted S Commerce, Consumer Protection, Energy and the Environment Committee
- HB 2382 - Hardwick - Modifies provisions relating to lodging establishments
LR: 4964H.02P HCS HB 2382
- 3/23/2022 -- S First Read
- HB 2502 - Houx - Authorizes sports wagering
LR: 3987H.05P HCS HBs 2502 & 2556
- 3/23/2022 -- S First Read
- HB 2694 - Hudson - Modifies provisions relating to the assessment of personal property
LR: 5566S.04C SCS HB 2694
- 3/23/2022 -- S First Read