- SB 652 - Rizzo - Provides a sales tax exemption for the sale of 2026 FIFA World Cup tickets to matches held in Jackson County
LR: 4194S.02T
- 4/12/2022 -- Voted Do Pass H Emerging Issues
- SB 683 - O'Laughlin - Modifies provisions relating to child care
LR: 4097S.05T SS SCS SB 683
- 4/12/2022 -- SS for SCS S offered (O'Laughlin)--(4097S.05F)
- 4/12/2022 -- SA 1 to SS for SCS S offered & adopted (Luetkemeyer)--(4097S05.03S)
- 4/12/2022 -- SA 2 to SS for SCS S offered (May)--(4097S05.06S)
- 4/12/2022 -- Point of order - SA 2 to SS for SCS goes Beyond Scope - Brattin
- 4/12/2022 -- SA 2 to SS for SCS S withdrawn
- 4/12/2022 -- SA 3 to SS for SCS S offered & ruled out of order (Schupp)--(4097S05.09S)
- 4/12/2022 -- SS for SCS, as amended, S adopted
- 4/12/2022 -- Perfected
- SB 684 - May - Allows school districts to offer elective social studies courses on the Hebrew Scriptures and the New Testament
LR: 3883S.01I
- 4/12/2022 -- Reported from S Education Committee
- SB 756 - White - Modifies provisions relating to public utilities
LR: 3774S.10P SS SCS SB 756
- 4/12/2022 -- Reported Truly Perfected S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee
- 4/12/2022 -- Referred S Governmental Accountability and Fiscal Oversight Committee
- SB 775 - Thompson Rehder - Modifies provisions relating to judicial proceedings
LR: 3386S.11T CCS HCS SS SCS SBs 775, 751 & 640
- 4/12/2022 -- HCS Voted Do Pass H Emerging Issues
- SB 777 - Brattin - Modifies provisions relating to the administration of unemployment benefits
LR: 4163S.02C SCS SBs 777 & 808
- 4/12/2022 -- Bill Placed on Informal Calendar
- SB 843 - Moon - Modifies provisions relating to gender reassignment treatment for children
LR: 4189S.04C SCS SB 843
- 4/12/2022 -- Reported from S Seniors, Families, Veterans & Military Affairs Committee w/SCS
- SB 921 - White - Enacts provisions relating to payments for prescription drugs
LR: 4354S.01I
- 4/12/2022 -- Hearing Conducted S Insurance and Banking Committee
- SB 923 - Brattin - Requires internet service providers to authenticate access to obscene websites and provide subscribers the ability to create an authentication to access such websites
LR: 3637S.01I
- 4/12/2022 -- Reported from S Commerce, Consumer Protection, Energy and the Environment Committee
- SB 963 - Brown - Creates new provisions requiring the disclosure of information pertaining to certain commercial financing products
LR: 4402S.03C SCS SB 963
- 4/12/2022 -- Reported from S Insurance and Banking Committee w/SCS
- SB 968 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to business entities
LR: 4530H.09C HCS SS#2 SCS SB 968
- 4/12/2022 -- SS for SCS S offered (Burlison)--(4530S.05F)
- 4/12/2022 -- SA 1 to SS for SCS S offered & adopted (Luetkemeyer)--(4530S05.05S)
- 4/12/2022 -- SA 2 to SS for SCS S offered (Roberts)--(4530S05.01S)
- 4/12/2022 -- SA 1 to SA 2 to SS for SCS S offered & adopted (Burlison)--(4530S05.09S)
- 4/12/2022 -- SA 2 to SS for SCS, as amended, S withdrawn
- 4/12/2022 -- SA 3 to SS for SCS S offered (Roberts)--(4530S05.02S)
- 4/12/2022 -- SA 1 to SA 3 to SS for SCS S offered & adopted (Burlison)--(4530S05.10S)
- 4/12/2022 -- Bill Placed on Informal Calendar
- SB 978 - Eslinger - Modifies provisions relating to audiology and speech-language pathology
LR: 4719S.02C SCS SB 978
- 4/12/2022 -- Reported from S Professional Registration Committee w/SCS
- SB 982 - Arthur - Modifies provisions relating to youth services
LR: 4507H.04C HCS SCS SB 982
- 4/12/2022 -- Hearing Conducted H Special Committee on Public Policy
- SB 1048 - Brattin - Creates provisions relating to contracts between public entities and companies who discriminate against firearms manufacturers
LR: 3846S.01I
- 4/12/2022 -- Voted Do Pass S Insurance and Banking Committee
- SB 1057 - May - This act establishes a mental health awareness training requirement for high school pupils in public schools and charter schools
LR: 5069S.01I
- 4/12/2022 -- Hearing Conducted S Education Committee
- SB 1063 - Crawford - Extends the sunset on the rolling stock tax credit
LR: 5212S.01I
- 4/12/2022 -- Reported from S Insurance and Banking Committee
- SB 1133 - White - Modifies provisions relating to pharmacist dispensation of certain medications
LR: 5564S.02C SCS SB 1133
- 4/12/2022 -- Reported from S Seniors, Families, Veterans & Military Affairs Committee w/SCS
- SB 1141 - Razer - Modifies provisions relating to the new business facilities tax credit
LR: 5570S.01I
- 4/12/2022 -- SCS Voted Do Pass S Economic Development Committee (5570S.02C)
- SB 1151 - Roberts - Creates provisions relating to grants to not-for-profit organizations for physical security measures
LR: 5522S.04I
- 4/12/2022 -- Hearing Conducted S Transportation, Infrastructure and Public Safety Committee
- SB 1162 - Rowden - Designates the new Interstate 70 Missouri River Bridge in Boone County and Cooper County slated for completion in 2024 as the "Senator Roy D. Blunt Bridge"
LR: 5335S.01I
- 4/12/2022 -- Hearing Conducted S Transportation, Infrastructure and Public Safety Committee
- SB 1167 - Gannon - Modifies provisions relating to licenses issued by the Department of Revenue
LR: 5736S.01I
- 4/12/2022 -- SCS Voted Do Pass S Transportation, Infrastructure and Public Safety Committee (5736S.02C)
- SB 1178 - White - Modifies provisions relating to abortion, including the importation and distribution of drugs used to perform or induce abortions
LR: 5759S.03C SCS SB 1178
- 4/12/2022 -- Reported from S Seniors, Families, Veterans & Military Affairs Committee w/SCS
- SB 1185 - Thompson Rehder - Designates every January 12th as "Rush Limbaugh Day"
LR: 3359S.01I
- 4/12/2022 -- Voted Do Pass S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee
- SB 1229 - Brown - Provides that a person may use deadly force against a person unlawfully entering private property
LR: 5851S.01I
- 4/12/2022 -- Voted Do Pass S Transportation, Infrastructure and Public Safety Committee
- SB 1240 - Brattin - Establishes the Organized Retail Crime Task Force
LR: 5869S.01I
- 4/12/2022 -- Hearing Cancelled S Transportation, Infrastructure and Public Safety Committee
- SCR 28 - White - Urges the President of the United States to designate a state funeral for the last surviving World War II Medal of Honor recipient
LR: 5177S.01I
- 4/12/2022 -- Referred H Veterans
- SCR 34 - White - Urges the U.S. Congress to include the Newtonia Battlefields in the National Park Service
LR: 5730S.01I
- 4/12/2022 -- Referred H Veterans
- SCR 35 - Washington - Establishes the third full week in September as "Sickle Cell Awareness Week"
LR: 5358S.02P
- 4/12/2022 -- Voted Do Pass S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee
- 4/12/2022 -- Reported from S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee
- SJR 39 - Luetkemeyer - Allows the growth in assessed values to be limited by law
LR: 3718S.01P
- 4/12/2022 -- SA 1 S offered & defeated (Eigel)--(3718S01.01S)
- 4/12/2022 -- Perfected
- 4/12/2022 -- Reported Truly Perfected S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee
- SR 761 - Bernskoetter - Recognizes April 11th as Missouri lineworker appreciation day in Missouri
LR: 5901S.01I
- 4/12/2022 -- Referred S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee
- SR 762 - Bernskoetter - Recognizes October 24, 2022, as World Polio day in Missouri
LR: 5902S.01I
- 4/12/2022 -- Referred S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee
- HB 1600 - Chipman - Modifies requirements for retaining legislative employees when the General Assembly is not in session
LR: 3396H.01T
- 4/12/2022 -- Hearing Conducted S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee
- 4/12/2022 -- Voted Do Pass S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee
- 4/12/2022 -- Motion to pass bill as consent taken by S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee - Consent vote adopted
- 4/12/2022 -- Reported from S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee - Consent
- HB 1677 - Wright - Enacts provisions relating to pharmacy benefits managers
LR: 4311H.02P HCS HB 1677
- 4/12/2022 -- Hearing Conducted S Insurance and Banking Committee
- HB 1725 - Hudson - Modifies provisions relating to lodging establishments
LR: 3434H.01T
- 4/12/2022 -- Voted Do Pass S Small Business and Industry Committee
- 4/12/2022 -- Motion to pass bill as consent taken by S Small Business and Industry Committee - Consent vote adopted
- HB 1732 - O'Donnell - Creates new provisions relating to retirement savings plans for private-sector employees
LR: 3125S.05C SCS HCS HB 1732
- 4/12/2022 -- Hearing Conducted S Small Business and Industry Committee
- HB 1856 - Baker - Establishes the "Extended Learning Opportunities Act"
LR: 3790S.02C SCS HB 1856
- 4/12/2022 -- Hearing Conducted S Education Committee
- HB 1962 - Copeland - Modifies provisions relating to local log trucks
LR: 3616H.01P
- 4/12/2022 -- Voted Do Pass S Transportation, Infrastructure and Public Safety Committee
- HB 2149 - Shields - Modifies provisions relating to professional licensing
LR: 4028H.06T CCS#2 SS HB 2149
- 4/12/2022 -- SS S offered (Eslinger)--(4028S.04F)
- 4/12/2022 -- SA 1 to SS S offered & adopted (Eslinger)--(4028S04.06S)
- 4/12/2022 -- SA 2 to SS S offered & defeated (May)--(4028S04.03S)
- 4/12/2022 -- SA 3 to SS S offered (Brown)--(4028S04.07S)
- 4/12/2022 -- SA 1 to SA 3 to SS S offered & adopted (Beck)--(4028S04.08S)
- 4/12/2022 -- SA 3 to SS, as amended, S adopted
- 4/12/2022 -- SA 4 to SS S offered (Brattin)--(4028S04.09S)
- 4/12/2022 -- SA 1 to SA 4 to SS S offered (Schupp)-(4028S04.11S)
- 4/12/2022 -- SA 4 to SS S withdrawn
- 4/12/2022 -- SA 5 to SS S offered & adopted (Brattin)--(4028S04.19S)
- 4/12/2022 -- SS, as amended, S adopted
- 4/12/2022 -- S Third Read and Passed - EC adopted
- 4/12/2022 -- Referred H Fiscal Review
- HB 2202 - Fitzwater - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education
LR: 4721S.03C SCS HB 2202
- 4/12/2022 -- Hearing Conducted S Education Committee
- HB 2304 - Lewis - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education
LR: 4910S.05C SCS HCS HB 2304
- 4/12/2022 -- Hearing Conducted S Education Committee
- HB 2382 - Hardwick - Modifies provisions relating to lodging establishments
LR: 4964H.02P HCS HB 2382
- 4/12/2022 -- Voted Do Pass S Small Business and Industry Committee
- HB 2400 - Houx - Modifies provisions relating to business entities
LR: 5038S.04T SS HB 2400
- 4/12/2022 -- Hearing Conducted S Insurance and Banking Committee
- HB 2416 - Porter - Modifies provisions relating to off-premise sales by motor vehicle dealers
LR: 4840H.01T
- 4/12/2022 -- Hearing Conducted S Transportation, Infrastructure and Public Safety Committee
- 4/12/2022 -- Voted Do Pass S Transportation, Infrastructure and Public Safety Committee
- 4/12/2022 -- Motion to pass bill as consent taken by S Transportation, Infrastructure and Public Safety Committee - Consent vote adopted
- HB 3001 - Smith - Appropriations funds for the cost of issuing bonds
LR: 3001H.02T HCS HB 3001
- 4/12/2022 -- Second Read and Referred S Appropriations Committee
- HB 3002 - Smith - Appropriates funds for the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
LR: 3002H.06T CCS SS SCS HCS HB 3002
- 4/12/2022 -- Second Read and Referred S Appropriations Committee
- HB 3003 - Smith - Appropriates funds for the Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development
LR: 3003H.06T CCS SS SCS HCS HB 3003
- 4/12/2022 -- Second Read and Referred S Appropriations Committee
- HB 3004 - Smith - Appropriates funds for the Department of Revenue and the Department of Transportation
LR: 3004H.05T CCS SCS HCS HB 3004
- 4/12/2022 -- Second Read and Referred S Appropriations Committee
- HB 3005 - Smith - Appropriates funds for the Office of Administration and other departments
LR: 3005H.05T CCS SCS HCS HB 3005
- 4/12/2022 -- Second Read and Referred S Appropriations Committee
- HB 3006 - Smith - Appropriates funds for the Department of Agriculture, the Department of Natural Resources and the Department of Conservation
LR: 3006H.05T CCS SCS HCS HB 3006
- 4/12/2022 -- Second Read and Referred S Appropriations Committee
- HB 3007 - Smith - Appropriates funds for the Department of Economic Development, the Department of Commerce & Insurance and the Department of Labor & Industrial Relations
LR: 3007H.05T CCS SCS HCS HB 3007
- 4/12/2022 -- Second Read and Referred S Appropriations Committee
- HB 3008 - Smith - Appropriates funds for the Department of Public Safety
LR: 3008H.06T CCS SS SCS HCS HB 3008
- 4/12/2022 -- Second Read and Referred S Appropriations Committee
- HB 3009 - Smith - Appropriates funds for the Department of Corrections
LR: 3009H.05T CCS SCS HCS HB 3009
- 4/12/2022 -- Second Read and Referred S Appropriations Committee
- HB 3010 - Smith - Appropriates funds for the Department of Mental Health and the Department of Health and Senior Services
LR: 3010H.06T CCS SS SCS HCS HB 3010
- 4/12/2022 -- Second Read and Referred S Appropriations Committee
- HB 3011 - Smith - Appropriates funds for the Department of Social Services
LR: 3011H.06T CCS SS SCS HCS HB 3011
- 4/12/2022 -- Second Read and Referred S Appropriations Committee
- HB 3012 - Smith - Appropriates funds for Elected Officials, the Judiciary, Public Defender and the General Assembly
LR: 3012H.06T CCS SS SCS HCS HB 3012
- 4/12/2022 -- Second Read and Referred S Appropriations Committee
- HB 3013 - Smith - Appropriates funding for statewide leasing
LR: 3013H.05T CCS SCS HCS HB 3013
- 4/12/2022 -- Second Read and Referred S Appropriations Committee
- HB 3015 - Smith - Supplemental Appropriations
LR: 3015H.05T CCS SCS HCS HB 3015
- 4/12/2022 -- Second Read and Referred S Appropriations Committee
- HB 3020 - Smith - Appropriates funds from the American Recovery Plan Act
LR: 3020S.05T SS SCS HCS HB 3020
- 4/12/2022 -- Second Read and Referred S Appropriations Committee