SCS/HB 1860 - This act modifies provisions relating to employment security.DURATION OF UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS
(Section 288.060)
Under current law, the maximum duration for an individual to receive unemployment benefits is 20 weeks. This act modifies the duration an individual can receive such benefits by basing it on the Missouri average unemployment rate, as follows:
· 20 weeks if the Missouri unemployment rate is higher than nine percent;
· 19 weeks if the Missouri unemployment rate is higher than 8.5% but no higher than 9%;
· 18 weeks if the Missouri unemployment rate is higher than 8% but no higher than 8.5%;
· 17 weeks if the Missouri unemployment rate is higher than 7.5% but no higher than 8%;
· 16 weeks if the Missouri unemployment rate is higher than 7% but no higher than 7.5%;
· 15 weeks if the Missouri unemployment rate is higher than 6.5% but no higher than 7%;
· 14 weeks if the Missouri unemployment rate is higher than 6% but no higher than 6.5%;
· 13 weeks if the Missouri unemployment rate is higher than 5.5% but no higher than 6%;
· 12 weeks if the Missouri unemployment rate is higher than 5% but no higher than 5.5%;
· 11 weeks if the Missouri unemployment rate is higher than 4.5% but no higher than 5%;
· 10 weeks if the Missouri unemployment rate is higher than 4% but no higher than 4.5%
· 9 weeks if the Missouri unemployment rate is higher than 3.5% but no higher than 4%; and
· 8 weeks if the Missouri unemployment rate is at or below 3.5%.
These provisions take effect beginning January 1, 2023.
This provision is identical to a provision in SS/SB 665 (2022), HB 1909 (2022), and SCS/HCS/HB 649 (2021) and substantially similar to a provision in SCS/SB 539 (2021), SCS/SB 622 (2021), a provision in HB 215 (2021), SB 690 (2020), HB 1921 (2020), HB 2039 (2020), HB 217 (2019), provisions in SB 869 (2018), SCS/SB 189 (2017), HB 288 (2017), HB 150 (2015), which was vetoed by the Governor, and SB 220 (2015).
(Section 288.104)
This act also creates the Employment Security Program Integrity Act of 2022.
Specifically, Division of Employment Security (DES) is required to:
· Utilize the National Data Check System in order to ensure that only eligible individuals receive employment security benefits;
· Check its records of individuals receiving employment security benefits against the list of incarcerated individuals provided by the Department of Corrections to verify the eligibility of such individuals for employment security benefits;
· Check, on a weekly basis, its employment security rolls against the state death records;
· Check its new-hire records against the National Directory of New Hires to verify eligibility of individuals named in DES's new-hire records;
· Verify the identity of all unemployment compensation claimants;
· Perform a full eligibility review of any suspicious or potentially improper claims for unemployment compensation;
· Adopt and implement policies to prioritize and pursue the recovery of overpaid unemployment benefits;
· Attempt to recover all overpaid employment security benefits, as provided in the act;
· Maintain records of all attempts to recover overpaid benefits.
The act additionally requires any welfare agency, as defined in the act, to, upon receipt of information that an enrolled individual has become employed, notify DES for a determination as to whether the individual is still eligible for unemployment compensation.
These provisions are substantially similar to provisions in SCS/SBs 777 & 808 (2022) and similar to provisions in HB 1909 (2022), SCS/SB 539 (2021), SCS/SB 622 (2021), HB 769 (2021) and a provision in SCS/HCS/HB 649 (2021).
This provision contains a delayed effective date of January 1, 2023.