HB 2493 - This act modifies provisions relating to public school finances. Under this act, the Gasconade County R-II, Maries County R-II, and the West St. Francis County R-IV school districts which all cross county lines shall each use the dollar value modifier of the county with the highest dollar value modifier.
These provisions are identical to provisions in the truly agreed CCS#2/HCS/SS/SCS/SBs 681 & 662 (2022) and HCS/HB 2445 (2022) and similar to SB 818 (2022).
The act modifies provisions regarding career ladder admission and stage achievement for teachers. Additional responsibilities and volunteer efforts outside of compensated hours may include uncompensated coaching, supervising, and organizing extracurricular activities, serving as a mentor or tutor to students, additional teacher training or certification, or assisting students with college or career preparation. The act increases the state percentage of funding for salary supplements for career ladder from 40% to 60% and lowers the number of years before a teacher is eligible from 5 to 2 years.
These provisions are identical to provisions in the truly agreed CCS#2/HCS/SS/SCS/SBs 681 & 662 (2022), provisions in HCS/HB 1770 (2022), and SB 1107 (2022).
The act also provides bankruptcy protection for the Missouri Education Savings Program and the Missouri Higher Education Deposit Program. The act limits the protection to proceedings filed or on appeal after January 1, 2022, and only for designated beneficiaries that are lineal descendants of the account owner. The act provides for circumstances that are not subject to the bankruptcy protection.
This provision is identical to a provision in the truly agreed HCS/SB 718 (2022), the perfected HCS/HB 2171 (2022), a provision in the perfected HB 2571 (2022), and HB 1940 (2022).