HCS/HB 2136 - This act modifies provisions relating to suicide awareness and prevention. This act establishes the "Jason Flatt/Avery Reine Cantor Act", which provides that beginning in the 2023-2024 school year, each school district may offer at least 2 hours of suicide prevention training for all practicing teachers. All teachers, principals, and licensed educators may attend such a training or complete training on suicide prevention through self-review of suicide prevention materials. The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education may develop materials to be used for such training or may offer districts materials developed by a third party.
This provision is identical to a provision in truly agreed CCS#2/HCS/SS/SCS/SBs 681 & 662) and a provision in CCS/HCS/SS/SB 690 (2022).
Beginning July 1, 2023, this act requires a public school or charter school with pupils in grades seven to twelve, as well as a public institution of higher education, that issues pupil or student identification cards to print the 3-digit dialing code that directs calls and routes text messages to he Suicide and Crisis Lifeline, 988. (Sections 170.048 & 173.1200)
These provisions are identical to provisions in the truly agreed CCS#2/HCS/SS/SCS/SBs 681 & 662 (2022), provisions in the truly agreed HCS/SB 718 (2022), provisions in CCS/HCS/SS/SB 690 (2022), and similar to SCS/SB 1142 (2022).
This act also establishes the "Tricia Leann Tharp Act" and states that the Board of Pharmacy shall recommend 2 hours of continuing education in suicide awareness and prevention for all licensed pharmacists. The 2 hours of suicide awareness and prevention education would count toward the total continuing education requirement for license renewal for every pharmacist. The Board of Pharmacy is authorized to develop guidelines suitable for training materials. (Section 338.061)
This provision is identical to HB 1644 (2022), a provision in CCS/HCS/SS/SB 690 (2022), a provision in the perfected HCS/HB 1677 (2022), and a provision in the perfected HCS/HB 2452 (2022).