
SB 763 - This act modifies provisions relating to net metering.

The act establishes the Task Force on Distributed Energy Resources and Net Metering, to conduct hearings and research information related to net metering as set forth in the act. The task force shall compile a report for the General Assembly by December 31, 2022. The task force shall dissolve on December 31, 2022.

The act modifies the definitions of "customer-generator", "department", which is changed from the Department of Economic Development to the Department of Natural Resources, and "retail electric supplier", which term now includes municipally-owned utilities.

The sale of qualified electric energy units to any customer-generator shall be subject to provisions of law related to consumer protection.

This act is identical to SCS/SB 178 (2021), and similar to HB 539 (2021), SB 1065 (2020), and HB 2608 (2020).


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