Senate Substitute

SS/SB 812 - This act modifies various provisions relating to elections.

Mail-in Ballots and Absentee Voting Due to COVID-19

(Sections 115.277 to 115.302)

Expired provisions are repealed relating to the use of mail-in ballots for the 2020 general election and absentee voting during the 2020 general election for voters who have contracted COVID-19 or who are at risk of contracting or transmitting COVID-19.

These provisions are identical to certain provisions in SCS/SB 654 (2022).

Ballot Summaries for Constitutional Amendments Proposed by the General Assembly

(Section 116.160)

Under this act, if the General Assembly adopts a joint resolution proposing a constitutional amendment or statutory measure to be referred to the people that includes an official summary statement, the statement shall appear on the ballot, and no court shall have the authority to rewrite or edit the summary statement or ballot language.

This act is identical to the perfected HB 850 (2021).


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