SB 1151 - This act shall be known and may be cited as the "Faith Without Fear Act."
This act provides that the Department of Public Safety shall distribute to any not-for-profit organization a one-time grant for the purpose of enhancing physical security. Each not-for-profit organization shall receive no more than one grant pursuant to this act and grants shall not exceed 75% of the total cost of the security enhancement. Additionally, no more than $25 million shall be distributed pursuant to this act and no more than $2.5 million per any fiscal year. Finally, no more than $50,000 shall be distributed to any one not-for-profit organization annually.
The Department of Public Safety shall create an on-line application form as part of its website which shall be the sole means of applying for grants under this act. The not-for-profit organization shall submit documents with its application showing how it plans to enhance security, including how it will cover the remaining 25% of the cost for its security not covered by the grant.
The Department shall supervise the processing of such applications, provided that applications shall be accepted beginning October 1, 2022. The Department shall select qualified recipients to receive grants and any not-for-profit organization who receives a grant shall submit documentation to the Department no later than one year after the distribution of the grant showing how the funds were spent. Grant funds shall only be used for locations in Missouri and employees residing in Missouri.
This act is substantially similar to a provision in SS#2/SCS/SB 968 (2022).