The Missouri Senate Minute

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Nov. 29: House Bill 1878 relates to election rules in Missouri. The new law took effect on Aug. 28.
SenateMinute112922 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-112922 — (.docx) | YouTube

Nov. 22: Senate Bills 775, 751 & 640 became law on Aug. 28. This new law includes the Sexual Assault Survivors’ Bill of Rights.
SenateMinute112222 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-112222 — (.docx) | YouTube

Nov. 15: Senate Bill 718 designates the third week of September as “Historically Black College and University Week” in Missouri and modifies provisions regarding higher education. Senate Bill 725 modifies provisions relating to ground ambulance services. Both of these measures became law on Aug. 28.
SenateMinute111522 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-111522 — (.docx) | YouTube

Nov. 8: Senate Bill 710 modifies provisions relating to health care. Senate Bill 724 was not overridden during September’s veto session. It related to county financial statements.
SenateMinute110822 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-110822 — (.docx) | YouTube


Oct. 25: Senate Bill 683 modifies provisions relating to child care. Portions of this new law took effect upon the governor’s signature.
SenateMinute102522 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-102522 — (.docx) | YouTube

Oct. 18: House Bill 3 modifies various provisions governing agricultural economic opportunities. This measure was signed into law on Oct. 4 and will become law 90 days afterward.
SenateMinute101822 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-101822 — (.docx) | YouTube

Oct. 11: Senate Bills 3 & 5 is now law. By law, legislation that comes from an extra legislative session becomes law 90 days after the session’s adjournment.
SenateMinute101122 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-101112 — (.docx) | YouTube

Oct. 4: Missouri senators move forward with House Bill 3, which would extend the sunset on certain agricultural tax credits.
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Sept. 27: Missouri senators send a tax-cutting measure to the Missouri House of Representatives for consideration. Senate Bills 3 & 5 would make changes to the state income tax.
SenateMinute092722 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-092722 — (.docx) | YouTube

Sept. 20: Senate Bill 3 and Senate Bill 5 have been combined. Both relate to the state income tax. Senate Bill 8 would modify provisions relating to agricultural tax relief.
SenateMinute092022 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-092022 — (.docx) | YouTube

Sept. 13: Both the extra session and the annual veto session are scheduled to begin this week. Of the four measures vetoed this year, two may play a role in the extra session.
SenateMinute091322 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-091322 — (.docx) | YouTube

Sept. 6: Agricultural tax credits may be part of both the upcoming extra and the annual veto session, both of which are scheduled to begin next week.
SenateMinute090622 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-090622 — (.docx) | YouTube


Aug. 30: A tax rebate for state taxpayers was included in House Bill 2090, which the governor vetoed. Both the veto and the issue of taxation could become a part of both the upcoming extra and veto sessions.
SenateMinute083022 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-083022 — (.docx) | YouTube

Aug. 23: House Bill 2909 is among this year’s new laws, and redraws Missouri’s congressional boundaries. House Bill 2005 makes changes to eminent domain rules that relate to electrical corporations.
SenateMinute082322 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-082322 — (.docx) | YouTube

Aug. 16: Senate Bill 681 and Senate Bill 662 have been combined to form this year’s omnibus education legislation.
SenateMinute081622 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-081622 — (.docx) | YouTube

Aug. 9: Senate Bill 678 is a new law that modifies provisions relating to funding for the Kansas City Police Department. The new law is contingent upon a vote by Kansas City residents.
SenateMinute080922 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-080922 — (.docx) | YouTube

Aug. 2: Senate Bill 672 will modify provisions relating to workforce development. This new law will take effect on Aug. 28.
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July 26: Senate Bill 652 will provide a sales tax exemption for the sale of FIFA World Cup tickets to matches held in Jackson County. Senate Bill 655 will modify provisions relating to the Missouri Local Government Employees’ Retirement System.
SenateMinute072622 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-072622 — (.docx) | YouTube

July 19: The Missouri Senate Interim Committee on Education meets for the first time. The panel expects to gather again before submitting recommendations to the full Missouri Senate later this year.
SenateMinute071922 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-071922 — (.docx) | YouTube

July 12: This year’s election reform legislation is signed into law. House Bill 1878 was signed on June 29.
SenateMinute071222 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-071222 — (.docx) | YouTube

July 5: The Missouri Senate Interim Committee on Illegal Immigration meets for the first time. Another hearing could be held later this month.
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June 28: Fiscal Year 2023 will start Friday, July 1.
SenateMinute062822 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-062822 — (.docx) | YouTube

June 21: House Bill 2005 modifies provisions relating to eminent domain for electrical corporations. This new law will take effect on Aug. 28.
SenateMinute062122 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-062122 — (.docx) | YouTube

June 14: House Bill 2149 is among seven measures signed into law on June 7. This proposal relates to professional licensing.
SenateMinute061422 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-061422 — (.docx) | YouTube

June 7: Supplemental budgets for the current fiscal year, contained in House Bills 3014 and 3015, are now law. Additional budget measures, House Bills 3019 and 3020, await executive action.
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May 31: Some issues did not make it across the finish line this year. Others did, such as House Bill 1878, which relates to elections.
SenateMinute053122 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-053122 — (.docx) | YouTube

May 24: House Bill 2909 becomes the first measure signed into law following conclusion of this year’s regular legislative session. The new law creates new congressional redistricting maps.
SenateMinute052422 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-052422 — (.docx) | YouTube

May 17: Missouri senators look back at the Second Regular Session of the 101st General Assembly.
SenateMinute051722 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-051722 — (.docx) | YouTube

May 12: House Joint Resolution 79, which would let Missouri voters decide on changes to Missouri’s initiative petition process, is set aside in the Missouri Senate.
SenateMinute051222 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-051222 — (.docx) | YouTube

May 11: Missouri senators discuss House Bill 2116, a measure that seeks to establish the “No Patient Left Alone Act.”
SenateMinute051122 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-051122 — (.docx) | YouTube

May 10: House Bill 2909 contains a new congressional redistricting plan. Missouri senators could consider this legislation before Friday, when the 2022 regular legislative session adjourns.
SenateMinute051022 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-051022 — (.docx) | YouTube

May 9: House Bill 2090, legislation that seeks to allow state employees to be paid bi-weekly, now includes a one-time tax credit for Missouri taxpayers.
SenateMinute050922 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-050922 — (.docx) | YouTube

May 5: Missouri senators add sports betting to House Bill 2400, a measure that seeks to modify provisions relating to professional employer organizations.
SenateMinute050522 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-050522 — (.docx) | YouTube

May 4: Missouri senators discuss House Bill 1878, which relates to elections in our state.
SenateMinute050422 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-050422 — (.docx) | YouTube

May 3: Missouri Senate and House of Representatives conferees prepare to discuss differences between the two chambers’ ideas for the Fiscal Year 2023 state operating budget.
SenateMinute050322 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-050322 — (.docx) | YouTube

May 2: Missouri’s Fiscal Year 2023 operating budget, by law, has to be delivered to the executive branch no later than 6 p.m. this Friday, May 6.
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April 28: Included in the Missouri Senate version of the Fiscal Year 2023 state operating budget is House Bill 3002, which funds elementary and secondary education, and House Bill 3010 funds the Missouri Departments of Mental Health and Health and Senior Services.
SenateMinute042822 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-042822 — (.docx) | YouTube

April 27: Missouri senators approve not only their version of the Fiscal Year 2023 state operating budget, but also House Bill 3015, the second supplemental budget for the current fiscal year.
SenateMinute042722 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-042722 — (.docx) | YouTube

April 26: Missouri senators may soon consider House Bill 3021, which would create a one-time tax credit, along with upcoming budget work.
SenateMinute042622 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-042622 — (.docx) | YouTube

April 25: The Missouri Senate is expected to take up the Fiscal Year 2023 state operating budget this week.
SenateMinute042522 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-042522 — (.docx) | YouTube

April 21: The Missouri Senate Appropriations Committee may soon consider both House Bill 3015, the supplemental budget, and House Bill 3020, the capital improvements budget.
SenateMinute042122 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-042122 — (.docx) | YouTube

April 20: Some lawmakers are looking at different ways to utilize certain money allocated for the proposed state operating budget for Fiscal Year 2023.
SenateMinute042022 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-042022 — (.docx) | YouTube

April 19: Missouri senators prepare to see the proposed state operating budget for Fiscal Year 2023, which will start on July 1.
SenateMinute041922 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-041922 — (.docx) | YouTube

April 18: Teacher salaries may become a part of the Missouri Senate’s version of the Fiscal Year 2023 state operating budget.
SenateMinute041822 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-041822 — (.docx) | YouTube

April 14: The Missouri Senate Appropriations Committee discusses House Joint Resolution 117, which — upon voter approval — would propose a constitutional amendment relating to MO HealthNet.
SenateMinute041422 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-041422 — (.docx) | YouTube

April 13: Missouri senators give preliminary approval to Senate Bill 683, a measure that would modify provisions relating to child care.
SenateMinute041322 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-041322 — (.docx) | YouTube

April 12: Missouri senators give first-round approval to Senate Bill 756, legislation that would modify provisions relating to public utilities.
SenateMinute041222 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-041222 — (.docx) | YouTube

April 11: The Missouri Senate will soon create its own version of the Fiscal Year 2023 state operating budget.
SenateMinute041122 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-041122 — (.docx) | YouTube

April 7: Missouri senators discuss House Bill 1552, legislation that would change provisions related to funding for charter schools.
SenateMinute040722 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-040722 — (.docx) | YouTube

April 6: Missouri senators give preliminary approval to Senate Joint Resolution 46, which — upon voter approval — would require all county assessors to be elected.
SenateMinute040622 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-040622 — (.docx) | YouTube

April 5: Missouri senators give first-round approval to Senate Bill 758, a measure that seeks to modify various provisions relating to bidding procedures for certain public projects for facilities.
SenateMinute040522 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-040522 — (.docx) | YouTube

April 4: With six weeks left in the 2022 regular legislative session, the Missouri Senate will start to turn its focus toward legislation from the Missouri House of Representatives.
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March 31: The Missouri Senate and Missouri House of Representatives disagree on House Bill 2117, which contains the congressional redistricting map.
SenateMinute033122 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-033122 — (.docx) | YouTube

March 30: Missouri senators discuss Senate Bill 726, legislation that seeks to establish “Hypoplastic Left-Heart Syndrome Awareness Day” in Missouri.
SenateMinute033022 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-033022 — (.docx) | YouTube

March 29: Missouri senators discuss Senate Bill 850, legislation that seeks to modify provisions relating to criminal laws.
SenateMinute032922 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-032922 — (.docx) | YouTube

March 28: Senate Bills 775, 751 & 640 passes the Missouri Senate and now awaits Missouri House of Representatives’ consideration.
SenateMinute032822 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-032822 — (.docx) | YouTube

March 24: Missouri senators discuss Senate Bill 758, which would modify various provisions relating to bidding procedures for certain public projects for facilities.
SenateMinute032422 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-032422 — (.docx) | YouTube

March 23: Missouri senators discuss Senate Bill 798, legislation that would establish a “Restaurant Meals Program” as part of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.
SenateMinute032322 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-032322 — (.docx) | YouTube

March 22: Missouri senators discuss Senate Bill 665, a proposal that seeks to modify the duration of unemployment benefits based upon the Missouri average unemployment rate.
SenateMinute032222 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-032222 — (.docx) | YouTube

March 21: The second half of the 2022 regular legislative session begins today. Session will end on May 13.
SenateMinute032122 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-032122 — (.docx) | YouTube

March 17: Senate Bill 647 is a proposal that would establish a grievance process for parents and guardians of elementary and secondary school students. Senate Bills 698 & 639 would modify provisions relating to MO HealthNet services for pregnant and postpartum women.
SenateMinute031722 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-031722 — (.docx) | YouTube

March 16: Senate Bill 1181 would allow an income tax deduction for certain law enforcement officers. Senate Bill 715 is legislation that would authorize a property tax credit for certain senior citizens.
SenateMinute031622 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-031622 — (.docx) | YouTube

March 15: Senate Bill 702 is legislation that seeks to create new provisions relating to COVID-19 vaccination requirements. Senate Bill 973 would establish the “Truth in Medicine Act.”
SenateMinute031522 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-031522 — (.docx) | YouTube

March 14: Senate Bill 695 seeks to modify various provisions relating to elections. House Bill 1878 is a voter ID proposal.
SenateMinute031422 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-031422 — (.docx) | YouTube

March 10: Senate Bill 642 and Senate Bill 686 each seek to create their own version of the Missouri Video Lottery Control Act.
SenateMinute031022 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-031022 — (.docx) | YouTube

March 9: Missouri senators discuss Senate Bills 775, 751 & 640, legislation that would modify provisions relating to sexual offenses.
SenateMinute030922 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-030922 — (.docx) | YouTube

March 8: Missouri senators discuss Senate Bill 745, a measure that seeks to create provisions relating to accounting practices of public utilities.
SenateMinute030822 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-030822 — (.docx) | YouTube

March 7: Missouri senators are looking at ways to help the conflict in Ukraine, including Senate Bill 1233, legislation that seeks to authorize a tax credit for contributions made to refugee resource centers.
SenateMinute030722 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-030722 — (.docx) | YouTube

March 3: Missouri senators discuss Senate Bills 698 & 639, legislation that seeks to modify provisions relating to MO HealthNet services for pregnant and postpartum women.
SenateMinute030322 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-030322 — (.docx) | YouTube

March 2: Senate Bill 678, which seeks to modify provisions relating to funding for the Kansas City Police Department, receives first-round Missouri Senate approval.
SenateMinute030222 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-030222 — (.docx) | YouTube

March 1: Missouri senators discuss Senate Bill 649, legislation that seeks to reduce the assessment percentage of personal property in St. Charles County.
SenateMinute030122 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-030122 — (.docx) | YouTube


Feb. 28: Missouri senators may return to redistricting this week.
SenateMinute022822 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-022822 — (.docx) | YouTube

Feb. 24: Missouri senators approve House Bill 3014, an emergency supplemental budget for the current fiscal year.
SenateMinute022422 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-022422 — (.docx) | YouTube

Feb. 23: Senate Bill 660 seeks to establish the Show-Me Success Diploma Program, the Competency-Based Education Grant Program, the Competency-Based Education Task Force and a competency-based credit system for high school students. Senate Bill 647 would establish a grievance process for parents and guardians of elementary and secondary school students.
SenateMinute022322 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-022322 — (.docx) | YouTube

Feb. 22: The supplemental budget for the current fiscal year is now in the hands of Missouri senators.
SenateMinute022222 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-022222 — (.docx) | YouTube

Feb. 21: Senate Joint Resolution 39, upon voter approval, would allow the growth in assessed values to be limited by law. Senate Joint Resolution 41, also upon voter approval, would authorize a freeze on property tax assessments for senior citizens.
SenateMinute022122 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-022122 — (.docx) | YouTube

Feb. 17: Senate Joint Resolution 33, upon voter approval, would modify provisions relating to taxation.
SenateMinute021722 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-021722 — (.docx) | YouTube

Feb. 16: Senate Bill 672 would modify provisions relating to the Fast-Track Workforce Incentive Grant program. Senate Bill 641 seeks to enact provisions relating to continuous insurance coverage of prescription contraceptives.
SenateMinute021622 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-021622 — (.docx) | YouTube

Feb. 15: Missouri senators are looking ahead at a mounting number of items to follow redistricting.
SenateMinute021522 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-021522 — (.docx) | YouTube

Feb. 14: Missouri senators spend six days discussing redistricting.
SenateMinute021422 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-021422 — (.docx) | YouTube

Feb. 10: Missouri senators continue to work toward a congressional redistricting map.
SenateMinute021022 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-021022 — (.docx) | YouTube

Feb. 9: Missouri senators continue to work on House Bill 2117, the congressional redistricting proposal.
SenateMinute020922 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-020922 — (.docx) | YouTube

Feb. 8: Missouri senators begin discussion on House Bill 2117, congressional redistricting.
SenateMinute020822 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-020822 — (.docx) | YouTube

Feb. 7: Missouri senators begin a new week with redistricting.
SenateMinute020722 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-020722 — (.docx) | YouTube

Feb. 3: Senate Bill 1106 seeks to modify provisions relating to funding for housing programs. Senate Bill 973 would establish the “Truth in Medicine Act.”
SenateMinute020322 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-020322 — (.docx) | YouTube

Feb. 2: Senate Bill 666 would modify provisions on self-defense.
SenateMInute020222 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-020222 — (.docx) | YouTube

Feb. 1: Missouri senators continue to work toward a congressional redistricting map.
SenateMinute020122 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-020122 — (.docx) | YouTube

January 2022

Jan. 31: Missouri senators could begin discussing redistricting this week.
SenateMinute013122 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-013122 — (.docx) | YouTube

Jan. 27: Senate Bill 804 would modify provisions relating to public transit systems. Senate Bill 689 seeks to modify provisions relating to peace officer standards. Both measures were heard in committee this week.
SenateMinute012722 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-012722 — (.docx) | YouTube

Jan. 26: The Missouri Senate Select Committee on Redistricting hears Senate Bill 663 and House Bill 2117.
SenateMinute012622 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-012622 — (.docx) | YouTube

Jan. 25: Missouri senators move one step closer to consideration, and potential passage, of a congressional redistricting map.
SenateMinute012522 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-012522 — (.docx) | YouTube

Jan. 24: The “road to redistricting” comes to the Missouri Senate this week.
SenateMinute012422 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-012422 — (.docx) | YouTube

Jan. 20: Missouri senators reflect on this week’s State of the State address.
SenateMinute012022 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-012022 — (.docx) | YouTube

Jan. 19: Senate Bill 650, legislation that would modify provisions related to charter schools, is heard in committee.
SenateMinute011922 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-011922 — (.docx) | YouTube

Jan. 18: Senate Bill 672 would modify provisions relating to the Fast Track Workforce Incentive Grant program. This measure has been heard in committee.
SenateMinute011822 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-011822 — (.docx) | YouTube

Jan. 17: Missouri senators have different answers when asked what would make this a successful legislative session.
SenateMinute011722 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-011722 — (.docx) | YouTube

Jan. 13: More priority legislation will be heard in committee as the 2022 session continues.
SenateMinute011322 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-011322 — (.docx) | YouTube

Jan. 12: The Missouri Senate Judiciary and Civil & Criminal Jurisprudence Committee hears Senate Bill 678 and Senate Joint Resolution 38, which — upon voter approval — would modify provisions relating to funding for the Kansas City Police Department.
SenateMinute011222 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-011222 — (.docx) | YouTube

Jan. 11: Missouri senators adopt Senate Resolution 436, which would make a change to a Missouri Senate operating rule.
SenateMinute011122 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-011122 — (.docx) | YouTube

Jan. 10: Among the first items for Missouri senators to complete this session is redistricting.
SenateMinute011022 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-011022 — (.docx) | YouTube

Jan. 6: Infrastructure improvements may be revisited during the 2022 legislative session, which began on Jan. 5.
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Jan. 5: Missouri senators return to the Capitol to start the Second Regular Session of the 101st General Assembly.
SenateMinute010522 — (.mp3) | SenateMinuteScript-010522 — (.docx) | YouTube

Jan. 4: There can sometimes be as many priorities for the Missouri Senate as there are members.
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Jan. 3: When the 2022 legislative session begins this Wednesday, one of the first items for lawmakers’ consideration will be redistricting.
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