Sen. Angela Walton Mosley’s Legislative Column for the Week of Feb. 7, 2022

The Debate on Congressional Redistricting Continues

Over the past couple of weeks, the Missouri Senate has largely been focused on the task of redrawing the state’s eight Congressional districts. These districts are drawn using the population data collected during the 2020 U.S. Census. This information also determines how many congressional seats our state has in Congress. This is why it is so important to make sure you and your family are counted during the census every 10 years. When redrawing these districts, we take into account compactness and keeping communities of interest together, as well as ensure we are drawing a map that represents the population of Missouri. The House version of this bill, House Bill 2117, was debated during a lengthy filibuster on the Missouri Senate floor this week. Despite this discussion, my colleagues and I have yet to vote on the legislation.

Our state’s current congressional delegation is six Republicans and two Democrats, and the map proposed in HB 2117 is described as a 6-2 map. Some of my fellow senators support a 7-1 map instead. I believe this map would not be wholly representative of our state’s two largest metropolitan areas. Every Missourian deserves to have their voice heard in Congress, and I am hopeful my fellow senators and I can reach an agreement on the map.

Sponsored Legislation

This year, I have sponsored several pieces of legislation that I hope to see become law before the end of the legislative session. Please visit my official Senate webpage at to see all of the bills I have sponsored and co-sponsored.

Senate Bill 720 states that car dealerships and other financing entities that offer to cover state and local sales tax owed on the purchase of a new vehicle must pay those taxes directly on behalf of the purchaser. This way, those taxes are included in the payment plan created by the buyer and financing entity.

I am co-sponsoring Senate Joint Resolution 41 with one of my colleagues from St. Louis. This legislation would, if approved by the voters, allow a taxing jurisdiction to exempt taxpayers 65 years and older from increases in the assessed valuation of the taxpayer’s residential real estate property. Most senior citizens are on a fixed income, and it can be stressful to have their property tax rates go up each year. This is a small way to ensure their property tax rates stay affordable and that they can stay in their homes for their remaining years.

The Women of the Senate

Sen. Angela Walton Mosley’s page in the book, “You Can, Too!”

I am proud to be one of 11 women currently serving in the Missouri Senate, the largest number in the chamber’s history. Last year, we decided it would be a great idea to publish a book documenting the incredible lives and work of the 36 women who have served in the Missouri Senate. “You Can, Too!” is aimed at young readers to encourage literacy and inspire young girls to follow their passions and achieve their dreams. You can read more about this incredible book on the Senate website. Please contact my office or visit the Missouri Life website if you are interested in ordering a copy of “You Can, Too!”

New COVID-19 Testing Location

There is a new COVID-19 testing location in St. Louis County at the North County Recreation Complex. Drive-thru testing is open Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Appointments are required, and saliva tests are available. Visit Revive STL’s website for more information and to sign up for an appointment.

My office is here to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have about state government. My office phone number is 573-751-2420, and my email address is It is an honor to serve as your voice in the Missouri Senate, and I promise to continue to work diligently for the people of the 13th Senatorial District to ensure your voice is heard in state government.