Statement from Sen. Lincoln Hough on the 2022 Legislative Session

JEFFERSON CITY — State Sen. Lincoln Hough, R-Springfield, issued the following statement regarding the 2022 legislative session:

“My colleagues and I have wrapped up the 2022 legislative session. Each session provides its own unique set of challenges. This session we had a once in a decade task of drawing the new congressional districts. As we began our work on the new congressional map, we faced numerous setbacks and challenges. From receiving the data needed to draw the map more than a year later than we expected, to navigating the expectations and desires of those inside and outside the Capitol when it came to new districts, it was a difficult challenge. At the end of the day, I am proud that the Legislature was able to come together and pass a new congressional map that will serve our state for the next decade.

Our state budget is the largest ever, due to the federal reinvestment funds. These funds were both beneficial and challenging. They provided the opportunity to fund many projects around the state, and I think we all worked diligently to make sure they were allocated for one-time capital projects. I advocated for local projects in the budget, including an autism clinic, new library building and the arena at the fairgrounds. Some local programs are in the state operating budget and I hope those funds will make it through the governor’s vetting process as they will help Care to Learn and The Drew Lewis Foundation continue to expand and reach more people who need their assistance.

The budget for Fiscal Year 2023 is balanced and includes fully funding the education foundation formula, providing expanded resources for student transportation, increased services for mental health care and programs for our vulnerable senior age population.

“In addition to the budget, we broadened the Fast-Track Workforce Incentive Grant, which will increase opportunities for certifications and apprenticeships for Missourians. My proposal to extend the Missouri Rx Program for an additional six years is also on its way to the governor. This will continue to provide assistance for many seniors with fixed incomes. Our state facilities department will have the opportunity to be more cost-effective with construction and maintenance costs covered under another of my measures heading to the governor’s desk. Understanding that finding quality child care is a difficult task for many parents, I championed and passed legislation expanding after-school care opportunities.

“The future of our state and its economic potential are directly impacted by the legislation and budget work we pass today. I am proud of the work put into this legislative session and am thankful to be able to serve the 30th Senatorial District as state senator.”