“Highlights with Hegeman” for the Week of May 16: Legislative Session Comes to an End

Another legislative session has come and gone in Missouri. The Legislature spends four and a half months in Jefferson City each year with the goal of making life easier for everyone in our state. This may sound like a grandiose plan, but it is something those of us who have been elected to serve take seriously. It takes an incredible amount of work and time to take an idea and turn it into a reality.

This is also my final year as a Missouri senator, having served the constitutional limit of eight years, or two terms, in the upper chamber. I am proud of the work my colleagues and I were able to accomplish this year. It takes all of us, working together, to achieve any level of legislative success for the people who put us into the position we are in.

First and foremost, we passed a balanced budget ahead of our constitutional deadline again this year. I have had the distinct honor of serving as chair of the Missouri Senate Appropriations Committee. The members of this committee, along with some highly dedicated and competent staff members, pour over thousands of line items each year with the goal of ensuring every dollar our state spends is done so fairly and with the best interests of all Missourians in mind. This, alone, has been an experience I will never forget. I am happy with the decisions we have made and the things we are able to do for the citizens of our state.

Among my legislative successes this year is Senate Bill 724, which affects rules relating to county and local governments. This is not necessarily a glamorous bill, but it puts into place guidelines for local officials that are meant to eliminate red tape and regulations so people can get things done. This, to me, is what state government is supposed to do. We can oversee programs without making things difficult, and something I have preached to anyone who will listen as long as I have been in elected office.

Now that session is finished, I have the chance to return to the great northwest part of our state to continue to reach out and listen to the people who live in the 12th Senatorial District, which is what I intend to do throughout the summer, and return to the Capitol for our annual veto session in September.

As always, please feel free to call, email or write with your ideas or concerns. My Capitol office number is (573) 751-1415, my email is dan.hegeman@senate.mo.gov and my mailing address is Room 332, State Capitol Building, Jefferson City, MO 65101.