JEFFERSON CITY — Legislation filed by State Sen. Tony Luetkemeyer, R-Parkville, would make elections more secure and help prevent voter fraud in Missouri. A bill Sen. Luetkemeyer filed for the upcoming legislative session would require voters to present photo identification at the polls and would replace electronic voting machines with paper ballots marked by hand.

“Voting is one of the greatest privileges and responsibilities of citizenship, and we must ensure this civic duty is carried out fairly,” Sen. Luetkemeyer said. “We have to show our photo ID for many tasks far less important than voting. Requiring voters to show proof of their identity will increase the integrity of our elections and ensure those who show up to vote are who they say they are.”
Senator Luetkemeyer’s legislation requiring photo ID and paper ballots will be considered during the 2022 legislative session, which begins Jan. 5.
For more information about Sen. Luetkemeyer, visit