SJR 25
Modifies provisions relating to the General Assembly
LR Number:
Last Action:
1/19/2023 - Second Read and Referred S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee
Journal Page:
Effective Date:
Upon voter approval

Current Bill Summary

SJR 25 - Under current law, the House of Representatives consists of 163 members. This constitutional amendment, if approved by the voters, would reduce the membership of the House to 136 members. Additionally, each Senate district would be required to contain no more than 4 House of Representatives districts.

The amendment additionally modifies term limits for members of the General Assembly. Under current law, no person may serve more than 8 years total in any one house of the General Assembly. This amendment allows a person to serve up to 12 years total in the General Assembly. Service resulting from an election held prior to the adoption of the amendment would apply to the 12 year limit.

This amendment is substantially similar to HJR 41 (2018).



No Amendments Found.