SB 473
Repeal provisions relating to the authority to confer degrees at public institutions of higher education
LR Number:
Last Action:
3/23/2023 - Second Read and Referred S Education and Workforce Development Committee
Journal Page:
Effective Date:
August 28, 2023

Current Bill Summary

SB 473 - This act repeals the following provisions of law:

(1) The provision that the University of Missouri shall be the state’s only public research university and the exclusive grantor of research doctorates and first-professional degrees, including dentistry, law, medicine, optometry, pharmacy, and veterinary medicine (Section 172.280);

(2) The provision that degrees in podiatry and chiropractic and osteopathic medicine may be conferred only by the University of Missouri or by a public institution of higher education in collaboration with the University of Missouri, with the University of Missouri being the degree-granting institution, unless the University of Missouri declines to collaborate with such institution (Section 173.005); and

(3) The provision that degrees in engineering may be conferred only by the University of Missouri or by a public institution of higher education in collaboration with the University of Missouri, with the University of Missouri being the degree-granting institution, unless the University of Missouri declines to collaborate with such institution (Section 174.160).

This act is identical to HB 1189 (2023).



No Amendments Found.