SB 94 Establishes tax credits for the production of certain entertainment
12/1/2022 Prefiled
1/4/2023 S First Read S35
1/19/2023 Second Read and Referred S Economic Development and Tax Policy Committee S183
1/30/2023 Hearing Conducted S Economic Development and Tax Policy Committee
2/6/2023 SCS Voted Do Pass (w/SCS/SBs 94, 52, 57, 58 & 67) Economic Development and Tax Policy Committee (0360S.02C)
2/9/2023 Reported from S Economic Development and Tax Policy Committee w/SCS S326
2/14/2023 SS for SCS S offered (Hoskins)--(0360S.03F) S353
2/14/2023 SA 1 to SS for SCS S offered & adopted (Hoskins)--(0360S03.02S) S353
2/14/2023 SA 2 to SS for SCS S offered (Eigel)--(0360S03.01S) S353-354
2/14/2023 SA 1 to SA 2 to SS for SCS S offered & defeated (Bernskoetter)--(0360S03.03S) S354
2/14/2023 SA 2 to SS for SCS S adopted S354
2/14/2023 SS for SCS, as amended, S adopted S354
2/14/2023 Perfected S354
2/14/2023 Reported Truly Perfected S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee S364
2/15/2023 Referred S Fiscal Oversight Committee S371
2/27/2023 Voted Do Pass S Fiscal Oversight Committee
2/27/2023 Reported from S Fiscal Oversight Committee S453
2/27/2023 S Third Read and Passed S454
2/27/2023 H First Read H683
2/28/2023 H Second Read H696
3/28/2023 Referred H Economic Development H1193
4/5/2023 Hearing Conducted H Economic Development
4/17/2023 Voted Do Pass H Economic Development
4/17/2023 Reported Do Pass H Economic Development H1776
4/17/2023 Referred H Rules - Regulatory Oversight H1789
4/24/2023 Voted Do Pass H Rules - Regulatory Oversight
4/25/2023 Reported Do Pass H Rules - Regulatory Oversight H1941
4/27/2023 Referred H Fiscal Review Committee H2299
5/1/2023 Voted Do Pass H Fiscal Review
5/1/2023 Reported Do Pass H Fiscal Review H2309
5/2/2023 Bill Placed on Informal Calendar H2428
5/3/2023 Taken up
5/3/2023 Bill Placed on Informal Calendar H2812
5/4/2023 H Third Read and Passed H2900-2901 / S2410
5/4/2023 Truly Agreed To and Finally Passed S2410
5/30/2023 Reported Duly Enrolled Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions & Ethics Committee S2797
5/30/2023 Signed by Senate President Pro Tem S2798
5/30/2023 Signed by House Speaker H3509
5/30/2023 Delivered to Governor S2808-2809
7/6/2023 Signed by Governor S2818
