HB 304 Roberts, Lane
SPONSOR: Roberts
Currently, drivers under the age of 22 are prohibited from using a hand-held electronic wireless communication device to send, read, or write a text message or electronic message while driving.
This bill extends the prohibition to drivers of all ages operating a noncommercial motor vehicle while using an electronic wireless communication device. Prohibited uses are specified in the bill. A person may operate a noncommercial motor vehicle while using a hands-free electronic wireless communication device as long as the person is not holding the device or diverting his or her attention from the lawful operation of the vehicle.
The bill exempts emergency vehicles and other motor vehicles contacting emergency services from the prohibition against operators using electronic wireless communication devices. This bill also allows for use of an electronic wireless communication device to relay information between for-hire operators and their dispatchers.
A violation of this provision is an infraction punishable by a $50 fine, or by a $100 fine if in a school zone or work zone when workers are present. Violations committed while operating a commercial vehicle shall constitute a serious traffic violation for purposes of commercial motor vehicle license suspensions.
No driver under 18 years of age, or with an instruction permit or intermediate license regardless of age, shall use an electronic wireless communication device, whether hands free or not, while operating a motor vehicle except to contact emergency services.
This bill is similar to SB 61 (2023)