SB 559
Enacts provisions relating to payment for anatomic pathology services
LR Number:
Last Action:
4/3/2023 - Second Read and Referred S Insurance and Banking Committee
Journal Page:
Effective Date:
August 28, 2023

Current Bill Summary

SB 559 - This act prohibits licensed health care professionals from billing or soliciting payment from patients for anatomic pathology services, as defined in the act, unless the services were rendered personally by the professional or under his or her direct supervision. No patient, insurer, third-party payor, hospital, or public or nonprofit health clinic shall be required to reimburse health care professionals for claims submitted in violation of this act. The act shall not be construed to mandate an assignment of benefits. The act does not prohibit billing a referring laboratory in instances where a sample must be sent to another specialist, provided that the referring laboratory performs a technical or professional component of the anatomic pathology service involved.

State licensing boards having jurisdiction over any health care professional who may request or provide anatomic pathology services may take action against the license of any health care professional who violates the provisions of this act.

This act shall not be construed to prohibit a referring physician from sending a patient's specimen to any laboratory providing anatomic pathology services.

A clinical laboratory or physician located in this or another state shall present a claim, bill, or demand for payment for providing anatomic pathology services for patients in this state only to entities described in the act.

This act is identical to SB 1099 (2022), and similar to HB 2413 (2020).



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