SB 593
Modifies provisions relating to the promotion of business development
LR Number:
Last Action:
4/3/2023 - Second Read and Referred S Economic Development and Tax Policy Committee
Journal Page:
Effective Date:
August 28, 2023

Current Bill Summary

SB 593 - This act establishes provisions relating to the promotion of business development.


By no later than June 30, 2025, and annually thereafter, this act requires the Commissioner of Administration to file a report with the General Assembly that includes information on contracts awarded to businesses that have been in operation for less than three years, as described in the act.

This act also requires the Commissioner of Administration, in conjunction with the Office of Entrepreneurship, which is established by the act, to file a report with the General Assembly making recommendations on improving access and resources for new Missouri businesses that have been in operation for less than three years, including businesses owned by a racial minority group, and women-owned and veteran-owned businesses. (Section 34.195)

This provision is substantially similar to a provision in HCS/SS/SB 807 (2022), SS/HCS/HB 2587 (2022), and HCS/HB 1590 (2022).


This act creates the Office of Entrepreneurship within the Department of Economic Development. The Office shall employ an individual to promote policies and initiatives to support the growth of entrepreneurship of Missouri-based businesses with less than ten employees, including entrepreneurship within racial minority groups, and women and veteran entrepreneurship, in this state. (Section 620.3800)

This provision is substantially similar to a provision in HCS/SS/SB 807 (2022), SS/HCS/HB 2587 (2022), and HCS/HB 1590 (2022).

This act is identical to provisions in SS/SCS/SBs 3 & 69 (2023) and is substantially similar to provisions in HB 237 (2023).



No Amendments Found.