SB 672
Creates and modifies provisions relating to disbursements of funds to libraries by the state librarian
LR Number:
Last Action:
4/6/2023 - Second Read and Referred S Fiscal Oversight Committee
Journal Page:
Effective Date:
August 28, 2023

Current Bill Summary

SB 672 - This act creates and modifies provisions relating to the disbursement of funds to libraries from the state librarian.

The act establishes that the state librarian may provide grants to public libraries to cover the cost of repair and maintenance of library facilities. Such grants may be allocated from the Missouri State Library Networking Fund. This provision is identical to provisions in HCS/HB 986 (2023), in HB 1159 (2023), and in HB 1238 (2023).

Under the act, the state librarian shall not disburse any state or federal grants, appropriations, or other public or private funds to a library specified in the act unless such library certifies in writing that the library has adopted or will adopt the following:

(1) A written, publicly accessible collection development policy that addresses how selections are made, with particular attention to the appropriateness for the age and maturity level of any person less than eighteen years of age who accesses any material in the library;

(2) A statement affirming that no funds received shall be used to purchase materials that constitutes "child pornography", is "pornographic for minors", and is "obscene";

(3) A written, publicly accessible policy allowing a minor's parent or guardian to determine what materials and access shall be available to such minor;

(4) A statement affirming that no age-inappropriate materials in any form shall be knowingly displayed in the library areas designated by the library as containing materials predominantly for minors;

(5) A statement affirming that no event or presentation shall be held at the library without an age-appropriate designation affixed to any publication, website, or advertisement for such event or presentation; and

(6) A library materials challenge policy by which any person may dispute or challenge the library's age-appropriate designation affixed to any material or display in the library.

Any person injured by a violation of the act shall have standing to pursue an action in the circuit court of Cole County. The court shall hold a hearing on the motion for temporary restraining order and preliminary injunction within thirty days of service of the petition. In such actions, the court may award the pursuing party reasonable attorney's fees and costs.

This act is identical to HB 1159 (2023) and HB 1238 (2023).



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