SB 549
Modifies provisions relating to the regulation of solar energy
LR Number:
Last Action:
4/3/2023 - Second Read and Referred S Commerce, Consumer Protection, Energy and the Environment Committee
Journal Page:
Effective Date:
August 28, 2023

Current Bill Summary

SB 549 - This act creates and modifies provisions relating to the regulation of solar energy.


This act provides that, prior to obtaining a certificate of public convenience or necessity from the Public Service Commission, any person constructing a solar farm shall first submit an application to the county commission in each county where the solar farm is to be located.

The county commission of any county shall adopt orders or ordinances requiring a permit to construct a solar farm within specified boundaries in an unincorporated area within the county. Within 90 days of receiving an application for a permit, the county commission shall hold a public meeting and give notice at least 14 days prior to the public meeting. The applicant shall provide certain information at the public meeting as provided in the act.

This act further provides that not later than 90 days after the public meeting, the county commission shall do the following:

• Issue a permit;

• Issue a permit limiting the boundaries of the proposed solar farm; or

• Deny the permit.

Any applicant making a material amendment to a permit once it is issued must submit a new application for a permit to the county commission for approval. Additionally, any applicant who is issued a permit shall obtain liability insurance in an amount sufficient to cover any damages which may arise from the construction of the solar farm.

Finally, the Public Service Commission shall not issue a certificate of public convenience or necessity to any applicant who did not receive a permit from a county commission in each county where the solar farm is to be located.

These provisions are identical to provisions in HB 1065 (2023).

TAXATION OF SOLAR ENERGY PROJECTS (Section 137.100, 137.124, 153.030, & 153.034)

Current law exempts solar energy systems not held for resale from property taxes. This act repeals such provision and provides that solar energy systems constructed for exclusive use of a single property may be exempted from property tax at the discretion of the county assessor.

Current law also provides that public utility companies with a project using wind energy directly to generate electricity shall have all related property assessed upon the county assessor's local tax rolls. This act also applies such provisions to solar energy projects, and provides that the true value in money of such property shall be equal to 37.5% of the original costs of such property, as described in the act.

These provisions are identical to SB 1014 (2022) and HB 1997 (2022).



No Amendments Found.