- SB 5 - Koenig - Allows the enrollment of nonresident students in public school districts
5/12/2023 - Informal Calendar S Bills for Perfection- SB 7 - Rowden - Creates the office of Chief Data Officer
5/12/2023 - Formal Calendar S Bills for Perfection- SB 11 - Crawford - Specifies that contracts for health care benefits provided by a farm bureau to its members shall not be considered insurance under the laws of this state
5/12/2023 - Informal Calendar S Bills for Perfection- SB 15 - Cierpiot - Modifies the Senior Citizens Property Tax Relief Credit
5/12/2023 - Informal Calendar S Bills for Perfection- SB 17 - Arthur - Modifies terms used in the elementary and secondary school funding formula
5/12/2023 - Formal Calendar S Bills for Perfection- SB 21 - Bernskoetter - Modifies the duration of unemployment benefits based on the unemployment rate
5/12/2023 - Informal Calendar S Bills for Perfection- SB 26 - Brown (16) - Enacts provisions relating to insurance coverage of pharmacy services
5/12/2023 - Formal Calendar S Bills for Perfection- SB 30 - Luetkemeyer - Authorizes sports wagering
5/12/2023 - Informal Calendar S Bills for Perfection- SB 38 - Williams - Modifies provisions relating to peace officer standards
5/12/2023 - Informal Calendar S Bills for Perfection- SB 44 - Brattin - Modifies the process for maintaining voter registration rolls
5/12/2023 - Informal Calendar S Bills for Perfection- SB 46 - Gannon - Modifies provisions relating to emergency services
5/12/2023 - Formal Calendar S Bills for Perfection- SB 73 - Trent - Authorizes sales tax exemptions for certain purchases
5/12/2023 - Informal Calendar S Bills for Perfection- SB 74 - Trent - Creates a DWI diversion program
5/12/2023 - Informal Calendar S Bills for Perfection- SB 77 - Black - Modifies the actuarial amortization and cost methods for the Missouri State Employees' Retirement System and the Missouri Department of Transportation and Highway Patrol Employees' Retirement System
5/12/2023 - Formal Calendar S Bills for Perfection- SB 79 - Schroer - Modifies provisions relating to nurses
5/12/2023 - Informal Calendar S Bills for Perfection- SB 81 - Coleman - Authorizes parents to choose the school that their children attend
5/12/2023 - Informal Calendar S Bills for Perfection- SB 85 - Carter - Provides for the designation of local control school districts
5/12/2023 - Informal Calendar S Bills for Perfection- SB 93 - Hoskins - Reduces the corporate income tax
5/12/2023 - Informal Calendar S Bills for Perfection- SB 95 - Koenig - Modifies provisions relating to property taxes
5/12/2023 - Informal Calendar S Bills for Perfection- SB 105 - Cierpiot - Reduces the assessment percentage of real property
5/12/2023 - Informal Calendar S Bills for Perfection- SB 110 - Bernskoetter - Abolishes the Personnel Advisory Board
5/12/2023 - Informal Calendar S Bills for Perfection- SB 112 - Hough - Directs the Department of Revenue to establish a system in which persons who own multiple farm vehicles can elect to have the vehicles placed on the same registration renewal schedule
5/12/2023 - Informal Calendar S Bills for Perfection- SB 117 - Luetkemeyer - Modifies provisions relating to statutes of limitations
5/12/2023 - Informal Calendar S Bills for Perfection- SB 136 - Eslinger - Modifies provisions relating to workforce development in elementary and secondary education
5/12/2023 - Informal Calendar S Bills for Perfection- SB 140 - Bean - Creates provisions relating to workforce development investments of public utilities
5/12/2023 - Informal Calendar S Bills for Perfection- SB 151 - Fitzwater - Authorizes a property tax exemption for certain property used for childcare
5/12/2023 - Informal Calendar S Bills for Perfection- SB 152 - Trent - Modifies provisions relating to video services
5/12/2023 - Informal Calendar S Bills for Perfection- SB 160 - Schroer - Modifies provisions relating to public funding of abortion facilities and affiliates and provisions relating to MO HealthNet providers
5/12/2023 - Formal Calendar S Bills for Perfection- SB 161 - Coleman - Exempts the sale of food from sales tax
5/12/2023 - Formal Calendar S Bills for Perfection- SB 166 - Carter - Prohibits certain types of regulation of public and private schools by cities and counties
5/12/2023 - Formal Calendar S Bills for Perfection- SB 168 - Brown (26) - Modifies provisions relating to the rulemaking authority of the Department of Health and Senior Services
5/12/2023 - Informal Calendar S Bills for Perfection- SB 180 - Crawford - Authorizes the cities of Clinton and Lincoln to impose a sales tax for public safety
5/12/2023 - Informal Calendar S Bills for Perfection- SB 184 - Arthur - Modifies provisions relating to tax relief for child-related expenses
5/12/2023 - Informal Calendar S Bills for Perfection- SB 185 - Bernskoetter - Repeals chapter 291, regulating industrial inspections by the Director of the Inspection Section
5/12/2023 - Formal Calendar S Bills for Perfection- SB 206 - Eslinger - Modifies provisions relating to qualifications of fire protection employees
5/12/2023 - Formal Calendar S Bills for Perfection- SB 209 - Bean - Repeals provisions regulating industrial hemp and hemp cultivation
5/12/2023 - Informal Calendar S Bills for Perfection- SB 214 - Beck - Modifies provisions relating to child support for unborn children
5/12/2023 - Informal Calendar S Bills for Perfection- SB 228 - Coleman - Modifies provisions relating to do-not-resuscitate orders
5/12/2023 - Informal Calendar S Bills for Perfection- SB 229 - Coleman - Modifies provisions relating to Children's Division contracts
5/12/2023 - Formal Calendar S Bills for Perfection- SB 234 - Brown (26) - Moves school board elections to the November general election
5/12/2023 - Informal Calendar S Bills for Perfection- SB 256 - Brattin - Allows certain veterans and active duty members to be issued hunting and fishing permits free of charge
5/12/2023 - Informal Calendar S Bills for Perfection- SB 274 - Trent - Creates procedures for the appointment of commissioners to a convention called under Article V of the U.S. Constitution
5/12/2023 - Formal Calendar S Bills for Perfection- SB 304 - Eigel - Modifies provisions relating to charter schools
5/12/2023 - Informal Calendar S Bills for Perfection- SB 313 - Mosley - Establishes a "Restaurant Meals Program" as part of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
5/12/2023 - Formal Calendar S Bills for Perfection- SB 317 - Eigel - Establishes the Interstate 70 Improvement Fund
5/12/2023 - Informal Calendar S Bills for Perfection- SB 319 - Eigel - Reauthorizes the joint committee on disaster preparedness and awareness
5/12/2023 - Formal Calendar S Bills for Perfection- SB 332 - Brattin - Modifies provisions regarding foreign ownership of agricultural land
5/12/2023 - Formal Calendar S Bills for Perfection- SB 335 - Crawford - Modifies the duties within the Missouri Department of Agriculture's Weights, Measures and Consumer Protection Division
5/12/2023 - Formal Calendar S Bills for Perfection- SB 337 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to electronic notification to victims of certain crimes
5/12/2023 - Formal Calendar S Bills for Perfection- SB 342 - Trent - Creates provisions related to consumer legal funding and litigation financing
5/12/2023 - Formal Calendar S Bills for Perfection- SB 343 - Razer - Creates the offense of unlawful discharge of a firearm
5/12/2023 - Formal Calendar S Bills for Perfection- SB 348 - Trent - Modifies licensing for embalmers and funeral directors
5/12/2023 - Formal Calendar S Bills for Perfection- SB 349 - Trent - Modifies provisions relating to county or township-owned nursing homes
5/12/2023 - Formal Calendar S Bills for Perfection- SB 355 - Brown (16) - Prohibits the sale or distribution of certain lighters
5/12/2023 - Informal Calendar S Bills for Perfection- SB 360 - Koenig - Modifies provisions of the Missouri Empowerment Scholarship Accounts Program
5/12/2023 - Informal Calendar S Bills for Perfection- SB 366 - Crawford - Modifies or enacts provisions relating to Department of Revenue fee offices
5/12/2023 - Formal Calendar S Bills for Perfection- SB 367 - Luetkemeyer - Modifies provisions relating to covenants between business entities and its owners
5/12/2023 - Formal Calendar S Bills for Perfection- SB 374 - Cierpiot - Modifies provisions relating to the renewable energy standard
5/12/2023 - Formal Calendar S Bills for Perfection- SB 375 - Cierpiot - Modifies provisions relating to child protection
5/12/2023 - Formal Calendar S Bills for Perfection- SB 381 - Thompson Rehder - Establishes requirements relating to health and family education taught in public elementary and secondary schools
5/12/2023 - Formal Calendar S Bills for Perfection- SB 400 - Schroer - Enacts provisions regarding deed restrictions, covenants, or similar agreements running with the land prohibiting ownership or pasturing of chickens
5/12/2023 - Informal Calendar S Bills for Perfection- SB 412 - Brown (26) - Authorizes the board of trustees of a consolidated public library district to change the dates of the fiscal year
5/12/2023 - Formal Calendar S Bills for Perfection- SB 413 - Hoskins - Establishes the Missouri Angel Investment Incentive Act
5/12/2023 - Informal Calendar S Bills for Perfection- SB 428 - Carter - Modifies the Missouri Human Rights Act
5/12/2023 - Formal Calendar S Bills for Perfection- SB 440 - Washington - Establishes the "Cronkite New Voices Act" to protect the freedom of press in school-sponsored media
5/12/2023 - Formal Calendar S Bills for Perfection- SB 455 - Roberts - Modifies provisions relating to benevolent tax credits
5/12/2023 - Formal Calendar S Bills for Perfection- SB 519 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions relating to tax credit for certain fuels
5/12/2023 - Formal Calendar S Bills for Perfection- SB 534 - Black - Modifies provisions relating to emergency medical technicians
5/12/2023 - Formal Calendar S Bills for Perfection- SB 553 - Eslinger - Establishes the "Missouri Parkinson's Disease Registry Act"
5/12/2023 - Formal Calendar S Bills for Perfection- SB 554 - McCreery - Creates provisions relating to product repair requirements
5/12/2023 - Formal Calendar S Bills for Perfection- SJR 12 - Cierpiot - Creates standard for initiative petitions to meet the single subject requirement
5/12/2023 - Informal Calendar S Bills for Perfection- SJR 14 - Brown (16) - Authorizes excursion boat gambling on the Osage River
5/12/2023 - Informal Calendar S Bills for Perfection- SJR 28 - Carter - Modifies the process for approving constitutional amendments
5/12/2023 - Formal Calendar S Bills for Perfection- SJR 30 - Brown (26) - Modifies constitutional provisions relating to elections
5/12/2023 - Formal Calendar S Bills for Perfection- SJR 37 - Cierpiot - Repeals restrictions on legislative staff acting, serving, or registering as a lobbyist after legislative employment
5/12/2023 - Formal Calendar S Bills for Perfection- SJR 46 - Black - Provides for the levying of certain costs and fees to support the salaries and benefits of certain state and county personnel
5/12/2023 - Formal Calendar S Bills for Perfection