HB 17 Reappropriations

     Handler: Hough

Current Bill Summary

- Prepared by Senate Research -

	HCS/HB 17 - Reappropriations

.          Governor                     House

GR       $   15,695,806            $   15,694,834
FEDERAL     280,959,025               270,482,386
OTHER       151,561,279               144,476,116
.        ______________            ______________
TOTAL    $  448,216,110            $  430,653,336

.          Senate                       Final
GR       $  15,694,834             $   15,694,834
FEDERAL    270,482,386                270,482,386
OTHER      144,476,116                144,476,116
.        ______________            ______________
TOTAL    $ 430,653,336             $  430,653,336

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