HB 575 Modifies provisions relating to breast examinations

     Handler: Gannon

Current Bill Summary

- Prepared by Senate Research -

SCS/HCS/HBs 575 & 910 - This act enacts provisions relating to breast examinations.


This act prohibits certain mammography facilities from requiring a referral from a primary care provider for a screening mammogram that is consistent with the recommendations in the most recent guidelines established by the American College of Radiology.

These provisions are identical to provisions in the truly agreed to and finally passed HCS/SS/SCS/SB 106 (2023).


This act prohibits cost-sharing requirements under coverage for certain low-dose mammography screenings if a separate provision of law prohibits cost-sharing requirements with respect to such coverage.

The act also prohibits health carriers from requiring a referral from a primary care provider to obtain a low-dose mammography screening required by law to be covered.

These provisions are identical to provisions in the truly agreed to and finally passed HCS/SS/SCS/SB 106 (2023), and similar to SB 461 (2023), SB 1166 (2022), and HB 2427 (2021).

BREAST EXAMINATIONS (Section 376.1183)

This act prohibits cost-sharing requirements under coverage provided for diagnostic breast examinations, supplemental breast examinations, or low-dose mammography screenings. If these provisions would result in health savings account (HSA) ineligibility, these provisions shall apply to HSA-qualified high-deductible health plans only after the deductible has been met.

These provisions are identical to provisions in the truly agreed to and finally passed HCS/SS/SCS/SB 106 (2023), and similar to SB 461 (2023), SB 1166 (2022), and HB 2427 (2021).


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