HB 702 Modifies provisions relating to the operation of police forces

     Handler: Schroer

Current Bill Summary

- Prepared by Senate Research -

HCS/HBs 702, 53, 213, 216, 306 & 359 - This act modifies and creates provisions relating to the operation of police forces.

ST. LOUIS POLICE FORCE (Sections 84.012 to 105.726)

This act provides that the city of St. Louis may pass ordinances, including ordinances for preserving order and protecting the public; but no ordinances shall, in any manner, conflict or interfere with the powers or the exercise of the powers of the Board of Police Commissioners. Additionally, the mayor or any city officer shall not impede or hinder the Board of Police Commissioners. The mayor or any city officer shall be liable for a penalty of $1,000 for each and every offense to hinder the Board and shall forever be disqualified from holding or exercising any office of the city.

Beginning August 28, 2023, the Board shall assume control of the municipal police department of St. Louis and no later than September 28, 2023, the Governor shall appoint four commissioners to the Board who shall serve together with the president of the board of aldermen. The municipal police department shall transfer title and ownership of all indebtedness and assets and accept liability as successor-in-interest for contractual obligations of the police department. The Board shall initially employ, without reduction in rank, salary, or benefits, all commissioned and civilian personnel of the municipal police department.

The Board is required to appoint and employ a permanent police force consisting of not less than 1,313 members. The Board may continue to employ as many non-commissioned police civilians as it deems necessary in order to perform the duties imposed on them, which shall include city marshals and park rangers.

The maximum number of officers of the police force in each rank shall be as follows:

• 76 officers at the rank of lieutenant and above;

• 200 officers at the rank of sergeant; and

• 1,037 officers at the rank of patrolman.

The salaries paid as of August 28, 2023, shall not be less than the annual salaries paid to each member before the enactment of this act and annual salaries shall increase by no less than $7,000 by July 1, 2024. No additional compensation shall be given to any officer of the rank of lieutenant or above for overtime, court time, or stand-by court time.

Probationary patrolmen, patrolmen, and sergeants shall receive compensation for all hours of service in excess of the established regular working period, for all authorized overtime, and for employees who complete academic work at an accredited college or university up to a certain amount as provided in the act. Additionally, certain officers may receive up to 10% of their salary in additional compensation for hours worked between 11 p.m. and 7 a.m.

This act provides that until the Board adopts other investigative and disciplinary procedures, the police force shall follow the disciplinary and investigative procedures established by the Police Manual of the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department which are consistent with law. The Board shall not adopt any disciplinary procedures that do not include the summary hearing Board procedures provided for currently in the Police Manual.

This act provides that reimbursements from the Legal Expense Fund to the Board for liability claims shall be on a twenty-one equal share basis per claim up to a maximum of one million dollars per fiscal year.

This act repeals all provisions relating to the municipal police force established by the city of St. Louis.

These provisions are substantially similar to SB 78 (2023), SB 280 (2023), and SB 1012 (2022).


Under current law, an employee who has reported to the proper authorities an unlawful act or serious misconduct of his or her employer or who refuses to carry out a directive issued by his or her employer that would violate the law, shall not be discharged by his or her employer.

This act adds law enforcement agencies to the definition of employers.

These provisions are identical to HB 1025 (2023) and substantially similar to provisions in HB 1637 (2023), HCS/HB 553 (2021) and substantially similar to provisions in HCS/HB 1656 (2022).


This act provides that the POST Commission shall establish a training course for police chiefs that shall be a minimum of 40 hours. All police chiefs appointed after August 28, 2023, shall complete the course within six months of appointment as police chief, unless exempt as provided in the act. Any law enforcement agency who has a police chief who fails to complete the course, shall not receive any POST commission training funding or other state or federal funding until the police chief completes the training course.

This provisions is identical to a provision in the truly agreed to and finally passed CCS/HCS/SB 186 (2023) and SCS/SB 38 (2023).


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