HB 827 Modifies provisions relating to student enrollment in the Missouri Course Access and Virtual School Program

     Handler: Koenig

Current Bill Summary

- Prepared by Senate Research -

SS/HB 827 - Under this act, the average daily attendance of a student who is enrolled full-time in the Missouri Course Access and Virtual School Program shall be calculated as if such attendance equaled the host district's or charter school's average attendance percentage for the previous year. Host districts that enroll one or more full-time virtual school students shall receive an amount of state aid specified in the act for such students on a monthly basis.

The act requires host districts to adopt student enrollment policies and allows virtual schools to mutually agree with resident and host districts on the services that the resident district might offer, including possible financial reimbursements for those services. For students with disabilities, the enrollment policy shall ensure the development of an individualized education program and related services agreement, as necessary. The act also specifies that student progress reports are necessary only for part-time virtual school program enrollees. The act requires a student's parent or guardian, if the student is not considered homeless, to apply for enrollment directly with the full-time virtual program.

Finally, the act provides that a host district may contract with a provider to perform any required services involved with delivering a full-time virtual education.

This act is similar to SB 545 (2023).


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