HB 1162 Establishes a graduate medical residency grant program

     Handler: Crawford

Current Bill Summary

- Prepared by Senate Research -

HCS/HB 1162 - This act establishes a medical residency grant program to award grants, subject to appropriation, for eligible entities for the purpose of establishing and funding new general primary care and psychiatry medical residency positions in Missouri and continuing the funding of the new positions for the duration of the residency. Funding shall be available for 3 years for residency positions in family medicine, general internal medicine, and general pediatrics. The Department of Health and Senior Services shall establish criteria for the grants as described in the act and report on the program to the General Assembly.

This act has an emergency clause.

This act is identical to provisions in the truly agreed to and finally passed CCS/HCS/SS/SCS/SB 157 (2023), the truly agreed to and finally passed SS/SCS/HCS/HB 417 (2023), the truly agreed to and finally passed HCS/SS/SCS/SB 106 (2023), and the truly agreed to and finally passed CCS/HCS/SS/SCS/SBs 45 & 90 (2023) and similar to HB 1179 (2023).


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