HB 4 Appropriates state funding for the Department of Revenue & the Department of Transportation

     Handler: Hough

Current Bill Summary

- Prepared by Senate Research -

	CCS/SCS/HCS/HB 4 - Revenue & Transportation

.                              REVENUE

.                Governor                     House

GR             $   73,412,745             $   73,560,287
FEDERAL             4,179,173                  4,179,333
OTHER             591,709,772                591,711,177
.               _____________              _____________
TOTAL          $  669,301,690             $  669,450,797

.                Senate                       Final

GR             $   73,564,895             $   73,935,287
FEDERAL             4,179,333                  4,179,333
OTHER             599,511,177                596,911,177
.               _____________             ______________
TOTAL          $  677,254,895             $  675,025,797

.                            TRANSPORTATION

.                Governor                     House

GR             $  979,286,578             $  127,286,578
FEDERAL           403,609,432                403,609,519
OTHER           3,411,249,395              3,361,291,807
.              ______________             ______________
TOTAL          $4,794,145,405             $3,892,187,904

.                Senate                       Final
GR             $  350,686,578             $  348,836,578
FEDERAL           443,609,519                403,609,519
OTHER           3,361,291,807              3,361,291,807
.              ______________             ______________
TOTAL          $4,155,587,904             $4,113,737,904

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