HB 631 Modifies certain provisions and creates new provisions related to environmental regulation

     Handler: Bernskoetter

Current Bill Summary

- Prepared by Senate Research -

SCS/HCS/HB 631 - The act modifies certain provisions and creates new provisions related to environmental regulation.

Under the act, eighty-five percent of the total revenue of mineral products extracted from national forest reserves shall be distributed to counties where mining occurs in proportion to the minerals extracted per year in each county where mining occurs. Fifteen percent of the total revenue of such mineral products shall be distributed equally between the counties where mining does not occur. The revenue allocated to each county shall be equally divided between the public schools and roads of such county. (Section 12.070)

The act provides that no money received by the Iron County School Fund from the specified administrative order issued by the Department of Natural Resources shall be included as part of the school district's local effort calculation. The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education shall reimburse Iron County School District for the amount of any moneys that are or have been included in such school district's local effort. The Department of Natural Resources shall notify the Revisor of Statutes when such order is terminated as provided in the order. This provision shall expire on the last day of the fiscal year in which the Revisor receives such notification from the Department. (Section 163.024)

This provision is identical to SCS/SB 481 (2023), a provision in the truly agreed to and finally passed CCS/HCS/SB 109 (2023), HCS/HB 948 & 915 (2023), SCS/HCS/HB 779 (2023).

The act repeals certain provisions related to egg sales and licensing, metrology, and propane fees.

This act repeals the current annual licensing fees of eggs within the Department of Agriculture and creates provisions regarding the fee amounts of certain licenses relating to the sale of eggs. The Director of the Department of Agriculture shall have the authority to assess egg licensing fees as described in the act.

Under the act, the testing fee of liquefied petroleum meters shall not exceed $400. The total expenses related to metrology calibrations shall not exceed $500 per calibration.

This act extends the effective date of certain provisions related to the sale, distribution, and use of pesticides from January 1, 2024 to January 1, 2025.

Additionally, the act modifies the definition of "eggs" to include quail eggs. (Sections 196.311, 196.316, 323.100, 413.225)

This provision is identical to a provision in the truly agreed to and finally passed HB 202 (2023)

The act extends the sunset date on certain geologic resources fees from December 31, 2025 to December 31, 2031. (Section 256.700)

Under current law, the Industrial Minerals Advisory Council has three members representing limestone quarry operators and one member each representing the clay mining, sandstone mining, sand and gravel mining, barite mining, and granite mining industries.

Under this act, there shall be eight representatives of the following industries, with no more than four appointees from any one industry: limestone quarry operators, granite mining, clay mining, sandstone mining, barite mining, other nonmetallic surface mining, or sand and gravel mining. (Section 256.710)

The authority of the State Oil and Gas Council to revise the fee structure under the act shall expire on August 28, 2031, instead of August 28, 2025. If the Council’s authority to revise the fee structure under the act expires, the fee structure in place at the time of expiration shall remain in place. (Section 259.080)

The act extends the fee on the sale of lead-acid batteries from December 31, 2023, to December 31, 2029. (Section 260.262)

The act extends the fee on the sale of tires from December 31, 2025 to December 31, 2031. (Section 260.273)

The Hazardous Waste Commission's authority to revise the fee structure for hazardous waste generators shall extend from August 28, 2024 to August 28, 2030. If the Commission's authority to revise the fee structure under the act expires, then the existing fee structure at the time of the expiration shall remain in place. (Sections 260.380 and 260.475)

Currently, fees for the transportation of radioactive waste expire on August 28, 2024. This act extends the fees until August 28, 2030. (Section 260.392)

The Missouri Mining Commission's authority to revise the fee structure under the Land Reclamation Act is extended from August 28, 2024 to August 28, 2030. If the Commission's authority to revise the fee structure under the act expires, then the existing fee structure at the time of the expiration shall remain in place. (Section 444.768)

Under the act, the expiration date of fees for surface mining under the act shall be extended from December 31, 2024 to December 31, 2030. (Section 444.772)

The act provides that the Department of Natural Resources shall not take any permitting or regulatory action based solely on guidance that has not been promulgated as a regulation, unless such use of guidance is agreed to by the permittee or person subject to such regulatory action. (Section 640.023)

This act modifies certain severability provisions. (Section 640.099)

The Safe Drinking Water Commission's authority to revise the fee structure for customer service connections to a public water system is extended from August 28, 2024 to August 28, 2030. If the Commission's authority to revise the fee structure expires, the existing fee structure at the time of the expiration shall remain in place. (Section 640.100)

The Air Conservation Commission's authority to revise the fee structure for certain air contaminants is extended from August 28, 2024 to August 28, 2030. If the Commission's authority to revise the fee structure expires, the existing fee structure at the time of the expiration shall remain in place. (Section 643.079)

This act modifies the definition of "water contaminant source" as used in the Missouri Clean Water Law. (Section 644.016(25))

Under the act, the construction of any earthen basin to retain and settle non-toxic, non-metallic earthen materials such as soil, silt, and rock, is excluded from the construction permit requirement where such permit is required to construct, build, replace or make major modification to any point source or collection system designed to convey or discharge human sewage to waters in the state. (Section 644.051)

The Clean Water Commission's authority to revise the clean water fee structure is extended from August 28, 2024 to August 28, 2030. If the Commission's authority to revise the fee structure expires, the existing fee structure at the time of the expiration shall remain in place. (Section 644.057)

This act is identical to provisions in HS/HCS/SS/SB 138 (2023), SCS/SB 481 (2023), HCS/HB 948 & 915 (2023), the truly agreed to and finally passed HB 202 (2023), the perfected HB 467 (2023), substantially similar to provisions in HCS/HBs 1207 & 622 (2023), HCS/SB 984 (2022), SB 1004 (2022), SB 109 (2023), provisions in SB 266 (2023), and similar to SB 395 (2023), provisions in HB 622 (2023), SB 335 (2023), SCS/HCS/HB 779 (2023), SB 481 (2023) and HB 1480 (2022).


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