SB 495 - Currently, children between three and five years old who are eligible for free and reduced price lunch and attend an early childhood education program operated by a school district or a charter school may be included in such district's or charter school's calculation of average daily attendance. The total number of such pupils shall not exceed four percent of the total number of pupils between five and eighteen years old who are eligible for free and reduced price lunch and who are included in such district's or charter school's calculation of average daily attendance. Under this act, the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education shall remit to school districts and charter schools an amount equal to the product of the state adequacy target, the dollar-value modifier, and the average daily attendance of pupils who are eligible for free and reduced price lunch and who attend, in the year prior to their kindergarten enrollment eligibility, an early childhood education program that is operated by a school district or a charter school. Three-year-old pupils and other pupils who are more than one year prior to kindergarten enrollment eligibility, who are eligible for free and reduced price lunch, and who attend such early childhood education programs shall be included in a district's or charter school's calculation of average daily attendance under existing law. This act is substantially similar to HB 833 (2023) and HB 933 (2023). OLIVIA SHANNON