HB 2015 Appropriates supplemental funds
2/19/2024 Introduced and Read First Time (H) H553
2/20/2024 Read Second Time (H) H578
2/22/2024 Referred: Budget H630
3/14/2024 Public Hearing Completed (H)
3/25/2024 Executive Session Completed (H)
3/25/2024 HCS Voted Do Pass (H)
3/27/2024 HCS Reported Do Pass (H) H1029
4/2/2024 Taken Up for Perfection (H) H1073
4/2/2024 Title of Bill - Agreed To H1073
4/2/2024 Laid Over (H) H1073
4/2/2024 Taken Up H1159
4/2/2024 Laid Over (H) H1160
4/2/2024 Taken Up H1173
4/2/2024 HCS Adopted (H) H1173
4/2/2024 Perfected with Amendments (H) H1173
4/4/2024 Taken Up for Third Reading (H)
4/4/2024 Third Read and Passed (H) H1293-1294
4/4/2024 S First Read S633
4/11/2024 Second Read and Referred S Appropriations Committee S677
4/24/2024 Hearing Conducted S Appropriations Committee
4/24/2024 SCS Voted Do Pass S Appropriations Committee (2015S.04C)
4/29/2024 Reported from S Appropriations Committee w/SCS S771
5/9/2024 SS for SCS S offered (Hough)--(2015S.05F) S942
5/9/2024 SA 1 to SS for SCS S offered & defeated (Hoskins)--(2015S05.02S) S942
5/9/2024 SA 2 to SS for SCS S offered & defeated (Eigel)--(2015S05.03S) S942-943
5/9/2024 SS for SCS S adopted (Hough) S943
5/9/2024 S Third Read and Passed S943 / H1743
5/10/2024 H concurs in SS for SCS H1758-1759
5/10/2024 H Third Read and Passed H1759-1760 / S975
5/10/2024 Truly Agreed To and Finally Passed H1759-1760
5/10/2024 Signed by House Speaker H1763
5/10/2024 Signed by Senate President Pro Tem S1053
5/10/2024 Delivered to Governor H1763
5/13/2024 Letter of approval from the Governor H1824-1825
5/11/2024 Signed by Governor
