SB 862 Modifies provisions relating to the protection of vulnerable persons
12/1/2023 Prefiled
1/3/2024 S First Read S40
1/11/2024 Second Read and Referred S Health and Welfare Committee S144
1/31/2024 Hearing Conducted S Health and Welfare Committee
2/7/2024 Voted Do Pass S Health and Welfare Committee
2/26/2024 Reported from S Health and Welfare Committee S344
2/29/2024 SS S offered (Thompson Rehder)--(2844S.04F) S393
2/29/2024 SA 1 to SS S offered (Brattin)--(2844S04.04S) S393-398
2/29/2024 SA 1 to SA 1 to SS S offered & adopted (Arthur)--(2844S04.09S) S398
2/29/2024 SA 1 to SS, as amended, S adopted S398
2/29/2024 SA 2 to SS S offered & adopted (Koenig)--(2844S04.05S) S398
2/29/2024 SA 3 to SS S offered (Moon)--(2844S04.06S) S398-401
2/29/2024 Point of order (Razer) - SA 3 is not germane to underlying bill - taken under advisement S401
2/29/2024 Bill Placed on Informal Calendar S401
3/4/2024 Point of order S withdrawn S407
3/4/2024 Point of order (Thompson Rehder) - SA 3 beyond scope of underlying bill S407
3/4/2024 SA 3 to SS S withdrawn S407
3/4/2024 SA 4 to SS S offered & adopted (Black)--(2844S04.11S) S408-412
3/4/2024 SA 5 to SS S offered & adopted (Beck)--(2844S04.18S) S412-414
3/4/2024 SA 6 to SS S offered & adopted (May)--(2844S04.24S) S414-416
3/4/2024 SA 7 to SS S offered (Brattin)--(2844S04.20S) S416-422
3/4/2024 Bill Placed on Informal Calendar S422
3/26/2024 SS S withdrawn S538
3/26/2024 SS#2 S offered (Thompson Rehder)--(2844S.05F) S538
3/26/2024 SA 1 to SS#2 S offered & adopted (Thompson Rehder)--(2844S05.06S) S539
3/26/2024 SS#2, as amended, S adopted S539
3/26/2024 Perfected S539
3/26/2024 Reported Truly Perfected S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee S550
3/27/2024 Referred S Fiscal Oversight Committee S587
4/2/2024 Voted Do Pass S Fiscal Oversight Committee
4/4/2024 Reported from S Fiscal Oversight Committee S620
4/4/2024 S Third Read and Passed S621
4/4/2024 H First Read H1304-1305
4/8/2024 H Second Read H1313
4/25/2024 Referred H General Laws H1527
4/30/2024 Hearing Conducted H General Laws
5/7/2024 HCS Voted Do Pass H General Laws
5/7/2024 HCS Reported Do Pass H General Laws H1690
5/7/2024 Referred H Rules - Legislative Oversight H1692
5/9/2024 Voted Do Pass H Rules - Legislative Oversight
5/9/2024 Reported Do Pass H Rules - Legislative Oversight H1741
5/9/2024 Referred H Fiscal Review H1743
5/10/2024 Voted Do Pass H Fiscal Review
5/10/2024 Reported Do Pass H Fiscal Review H1801
5/13/2024 Bill Placed on H Informal Calendar SBs for Third Reading H1814
5/17/2024 H Informal Calendar Senate Bills for Third Reading w/HCS
