HCR 45 Convenes a joint session to receive a message from Maor Elbaz-Starinsky, the Israeli Consul General in Miami, Florida
1/31/2024 Offered (H) H408
1/31/2024 Taken Up
1/31/2024 Adopted (H) H408
1/31/2024 S First Read S254-255
2/1/2024 S adopted S259 / H425
2/5/2024 House Escort Committee appointed: Quade, Henderson, Baringer, Dinkins, Perkins, Francis, Brown (87), Allen, Davis, Smith (63), Schwadron H435 / S266-267
2/5/2024 Senate Escort Committee appointed: Rowden, O'Laughlin, Crawford, Coleman, Luetkemeyer, Arthur, Rizzo, May, Razer, Roberts S266 / H446
