12/1/2023 |
Prefiled (H) |
1/3/2024 |
Read First Time (H) |
H14 |
1/4/2024 |
Read Second Time (H) |
H180 |
1/4/2024 |
Referred: Veterans |
H213 |
1/9/2024 |
Public Hearing Completed (H) |
1/16/2024 |
Executive Session Completed (H) |
1/16/2024 |
Voted Do Pass - Consent (H) |
1/16/2024 |
Reported Do Pass - Consent (H) |
H270 |
1/16/2024 |
Referred: Consent and House Procedure |
H270 |
1/23/2024 |
Executive Session Completed (H) |
1/23/2024 |
Voted Do Pass - Consent (H) |
1/24/2024 |
Reported Do Pass - Consent (H) |
H332 |
2/15/2024 |
Perfected by Consent - Pursuant to House Rules (H) |
H545 |
2/21/2024 |
Taken Up for Third Reading (H) |
2/21/2024 |
Third Read and Passed (H) |
H611-612 |
2/21/2024 |
S First Read |
S330 |
3/7/2024 |
Second Read and Referred S Veterans, Military Affairs and Pensions Committee |
S478 |
3/14/2024 |
Hearing Conducted S Veterans, Military Affairs and Pensions Committee |
3/27/2024 |
Voted Do Pass S Veterans, Military Affairs and Pensions Committee |
3/28/2024 |
Reported from S Veterans, Military Affairs and Pensions Committee |
S594 |
4/17/2024 |
Bill Placed on Informal Calendar |
S698 |
5/7/2024 |
SS S offered (Black)--(3565S.02F) |
S881 |
5/7/2024 |
Point of order - SS contains more than one subject (Moon) - Ruled Not well taken |
S881 |
5/7/2024 |
SA 1 to SS S offered & adopted (Eigel)--(3565S02.01S) |
S881 |
5/7/2024 |
SA 2 to SS S offered & adopted (Thompson Rehder)--(8050S24.01S) |
S881-887 |
5/7/2024 |
SS S withdrawn |
S887 |
5/7/2024 |
S Third Read and Passed |
S887 / H1711 |
5/7/2024 |
Truly Agreed To and Finally Passed |
H1711 |
5/30/2024 |
Signed by House Speaker |
H2071 |
5/30/2024 |
Signed by Senate President Pro Tem |
S1309 |
5/30/2024 |
Delivered to Governor |
H2073 |
7/11/2024 |
Signed by Governor |