SB 1129
Provides a sales tax exemption for the production of electricity
LR Number:
Last Action:
1/25/2024 - Second Read and Referred S Commerce, Consumer Protection, Energy and the Environment Committee
Journal Page:
Effective Date:
August 28, 2024

Current Bill Summary

SB 1129 - This act creates a state sales tax exemption for utilities, equipment, and materials used to generate or transmit electricity.

This act is identical to SB 300 (2023), SB 246 (2021), SB 757 (2020), SB 467 (2019), HB 64 (2017), SB 784 (2016), SB 480 (2015), and HB 693 (2015), is substantially similar to a provision in SS#2/SB 872 (2024), SB 896 (2024), HCS/SB 247 (2023), HCS/SB 275 (2023), as amended, and SCS/HCS/HB 154 (2023), and is similar to HB 1511 (2018), HB 2255 (2014), and to a provision in CCS/HCS/SB 584 (2014).



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