SB 1409
Requires candidates for Representative in the United States House of Representatives to be a resident of the district they wish to represent
LR Number:
Last Action:
2/26/2024 - Second Read and Referred S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee
Journal Page:
Effective Date:
January 01, 2025

Current Bill Summary

SB 1409 - This act creates residency requirements for candidates for the office of representative in the United States House of Representatives. Specifically, only a resident of a congressional district is permitted to be:

• Elected to serve as the representative of such congressional district;

• Eligible to appear upon a primary election ballot as a printed candidate to secure a party's nomination to be elected to represent such congressional district; and

• Eligible to appear upon the ballot as a printed candidate in an election to represent such district.

In order to be eligible to appear on the ballot in a primary election, be eligible to appear on the general election ballot, or be declared the winner of an election to serve as the representative of a congressional district, a person shall certify his or her status as a resident of the congressional district to the Secretary of State within the time period prescribed by the act.

Any false sworn statement made under this act is considered a false swearing punishable as a class one election offense.

Provisions are included allowing for early filing for the 2024 election cycle as well as expedited legal proceedings in the event of challenging a person's residency within a congressional district.

This act is effective January 1, 2025 and contains a severability clause.

This act is substantially similar to SB 707 (2023) and similar to HB 2416 (2024) and HB 1299 (2023).



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