HB 1511
Creates provisions regulating requirements for electric vehicle charging stations
LR Number:
Last Action:
5/17/2024 - Informal Calendar H Bills for Third Reading
Journal Page:
HCS HB 1511
Effective Date:
August 28, 2024
House Handler:

Current Bill Summary

HCS/HB 1511 - The act provides that any political subdivision that adopts an ordinance or regulation that requires installation of electric vehicle charging stations shall pay all costs associated with the installation, maintenance, and operation of such stations. No political subdivision shall adopt any ordinance or regulation that requires more than five such stations per parking lot, or infrastructure for future installation of more than five such stations per parking lot. Such ordinances and regulations shall only apply to parking lots with more than thirty parking spaces.

The act shall not prohibit private entities from paying for the installation, maintenance, and operation of electric vehicle charging stations.

The act is substantially similar to SB 1172 (2024), provision in SS/HB 2062 (2024), a provision in HCS/HB 2206 (2024), HCS/HB 184 (2023) and similar to HB 1584 (2022) and SB 233 (2023).



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