SJR 78
Modifies provisions relating to elections
LR Number:
Last Action:
5/30/2024 - Delivered to Secretary of State
Journal Page:
Effective Date:
Upon Voter Approval
House Handler:

Current Bill Summary

SS/SJR 78 - This constitutional amendment, if approved by the voters, modifies various provisions relating to elections.

The amendment provides that only citizens of the United States over the age of 18 who are residents of Missouri and of the political subdivision in which they offer to vote are entitled to vote at all elections.

This amendment specifies that all elections shall be by paper ballot or by any mechanical method prescribed by law. Furthermore, voters shall only be entitled to one vote for each issue on the ballot and the same amount of votes for each office as there are seats to be filled at the election. Under no circumstance shall a voter be permitted to cast a ballot in a manner that results in the ranking of candidates for a particular office. This provision does not apply to any nonpartisan municipal election held in a city that had a ordinance in effect as of November 5, 2024, that permits voters to cast more than a single vote for each issue or candidate on which such voter is eligible to vote.

The candidate that receives the greatest number of votes in a political party primary shall be the only candidate for that political party at the general election. The name of such candidate shall be placed on the official ballot at the general election, unless removed or replaced as provided by law. The person receiving the greatest number of votes at the general election shall be declared the winner. This provision does not apply to any nonpartisan municipal election held in a city that had a ordinance in effect as of November 5, 2024, that requires a preliminary election at which more than one candidate advances to a subsequent election.

This amendment is substantially similar to SCS/SJR 30 (2023) and similar to HJR 131 (2022).