SB 1084
Creates provisions requiring filtering of obscene websites
LR Number:
Last Action:
1/25/2024 - Second Read and Referred S Commerce, Consumer Protection, Energy and the Environment Committee
Journal Page:
Effective Date:
August 28, 2024

Current Bill Summary

SB 1084 - The act creates the "Protect Young Minds Online Act".

Under this act, when entering into an agreement with Missouri subscribers, an internet service provider shall offer subscribers the ability to filter obscene websites. Such filtering system is described in the act. Opting in or out of the filtering system shall be a prerequisite to receiving internet service for new subscribers of internet service providers. On an annual basis, such subscribers shall be given an opportunity to opt in or out in the filtering system as described in the act.

An internet service provider shall not be in violation of this act if the provider makes a good faith effort to apply a generally accepted and commercially reasonable method of compliance under the act.

The Attorney General may seek injunctive and other equitable relief against an internet service provider that fails to comply with the provisions under the act.

The act is identical to SB 308 (2023).



No Amendments Found.