SB 1238
Enacts provisions relating to health insurance coverage of maternity services
LR Number:
Last Action:
1/25/2024 - Second Read and Referred S Insurance and Banking Committee
Journal Page:
Effective Date:
August 28, 2024

Current Bill Summary

SB 1238 - This act requires that certain health benefit plans providing coverage for maternity services shall provide coverage for health care services provided by a midwife, as defined in the act. The act further enacts provisions relating to cost-sharing requirements, requires reimbursement for services lawfully provided by midwives as well as physicians, and specifies that terminology in a health benefit plan subject to the act which is deemed to discriminate against midwifery or to inhibit reimbursement for midwifery services at the in-network rate shall be void and unenforceable. (Section 376.1755).

The act directs the Department of Health and Senior Services to promulgate rules for registration allowing a "doula", as defined in the act, to receive reimbursement for doula services. The act shall not be construed to prohibit any person from practicing as a doula, regardless of registration with the Department. (Section 376.1758).

This act is identical to SB 1222 (2024), SB 713 (2023), HB 900 (2023), and HB 1148 (2023).



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