Senate Summaries on House Bills

HRB 1 Repeals expired, terminated, sunset, and obsolete sections, and portions of sections of law
HB 1413 Requires driver's and nondriver's licenses issued to U.S. citizens to bear a mark indicating citizenship
HB 1481 Modifies provisions relating to the operation of certain law enforcement agencies
HB 1483 Modifies provisions relating to taxation
HB 1486 Modifies provisions relating to state funding for certain early childhood education programs
HB 1488 Authorizes tax credits for child care
HB 1489 Modifies provisions relating to mail sent by state departments
HB 1494 Establishes the "Uniform Deployed Parents Custody and Visitation Act"
HB 1495 (Truly Agreed) - Requires the Missouri Veterans Commission recommend and implement efforts to prevent veteran suicide
HB 1496 Establishes the "Operation Enduring Freedom, Operation Freedom's Sentinel, and Operation Allies Refuge Program", which provides recognition medals for certain veterans
HB 1511 Creates provisions regulating requirements for electric vehicle charging stations
HB 1516 Modifies provisions relating to earnings taxes
HB 1518 Prohibits public institutions of higher education from taking adverse action against belief-based student associations
HB 1533 Modifies the educational requirements for licensure as certain social workers
HB 1564 Modifies provisions relating to political subdivisions
HB 1569 Establishes provisions relating to education
HB 1604 Modifies the local election candidate filing period
HB 1626 Increases the age at which certain requirements apply to school bus drivers
HB 1659 Modifies provisions relating to public safety
HB 1692 Modifies provisions relating to offenses involving arrests, stops, and detentions
HB 1706 Creates and modifies provisions relating to the protection of vulnerable persons
HB 1707 Modifies provisions relating to law enforcement practices
HB 1713 Modifies provisions relating to military affairs
HB 1715 Establishes the "Missouri Childhood Hero Act" relating to school bullying policies in school districts and charter schools
HB 1720 Authorizes the closure of certain public records
HB 1746 Modifies and creates new provisions relating to utilities
HB 1749 Modifies procedures for getting initiative and referendum petitions on the ballot
HB 1750 Creates provisions relating to condemnation of land by certain utilities
HB 1751 (Truly Agreed) - Modifies provisions relating to solid waste disposal area permits
HB 1753 Creates provisions relating to the closure of electric power plants
HB 1775 Modifies provisions relating to the Department of Revenue
HB 1777 Modifies provisions relating to certain offenders
HB 1803 (Truly Agreed) - Increases the limit on investments in linked deposits by the State Treasurer
HB 1818 Allows for post-award negotiations by the Commissioner of Administration for certain contracts
HB 1870 Extends the authority for the collection of certain fees by the Missouri Emergency Response Commission for six years, beginning August 28, 2024
HB 1886 Modifies provisions relating to judicial proceedings
HB 1900 Creates new provisions on discriminatory practices relating to hair
HB 1909 (Truly Agreed) - Modifies the meeting requirements for county political party committees
HB 1912 (Truly Agreed) - Modifies provisions relating to the taxation of pass-through entities
HB 1936 Modifies provisions relating to facilities of historic significance
HB 1945 Repeals the August 28, 2024 expiration of the teacher externship program
HB 1948 Modifies provisions relating to self-storage
HB 1960 Establishes the Regulatory Sandbox Act
HB 1976 Enacts provisions relating to prior authorization of health care services
HB 1989 Allows the enrollment of nonresident students in public school districts
HB 1991 Requires public schools to develop cardiac emergency response plans
HB 1995 Repeals a sunset provision of the Uniform Small Wireless Facility Deployment Act
HB 2002 (Truly Agreed) - Appropriates state funding for the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
HB 2003 (Truly Agreed) - Appropriates state funding for the Department of Higher Education & Workforce Development
HB 2004 (Truly Agreed) - Appropriates state funding for the Department of Revenue and the Department of Transportation
HB 2005 (Truly Agreed) - Appropriates state funding for the Office of Administration
HB 2006 (Truly Agreed) - Appropriates state funding for the Department of Agriculture, the Department of Natural Resources and the Department of Conservation
HB 2007 (Truly Agreed) - Appropriates state funding for the Department of Economic Development, the Department of Commerce & Insurance and the Department of Labor & Industrial Relations
HB 2008 (Truly Agreed) - Appropriates state funding for the Department of Public Safety and the Department of National Guard
HB 2009 (Truly Agreed) - Appropriates state funding for the Department of Corrections
HB 2010 (Truly Agreed) - Appropriates state funding for the Department of Mental Health and the Department of Health & Senior Services
HB 2011 (Truly Agreed) - Appropriates state funding for the Department of Social Services
HB 2012 (Truly Agreed) - Appropriates state funding for Elected Officials, the Judiciary, the Office of Public Defender and the General Assembly
HB 2013 (Truly Agreed) - Appropriates state funding for statewide leasing
HB 2015 (Truly Agreed) - Appropriates supplemental funds
HB 2016 (Truly Agreed) - Appropriates supplemental funding for the Department of Public Safety and the National Guard
HB 2017 (Truly Agreed) - Reappropriations
HB 2018 (Truly Agreed) - Appropriates state funding for capital maintenance & repairs
HB 2019 (Truly Agreed) - Appropriates state funding for capital improvements
HB 2020 (Truly Agreed) - American Recovery Plan Act Appropriations
HB 2057 (Truly Agreed) - Modifies provisions relating to video service providers
HB 2058 Modifies provisions relating to local taxation
HB 2062 (Truly Agreed) - Modifies provisions relating to the use of property
HB 2064 Establishes and modifies provisions relating to civil proceedings
HB 2065 Modifies provisions relating to the collection of delinquent property taxes
HB 2075 Modifies provisions relating to dental professions, including dental care in correctional centers, license reciprocity, and assigned benefits paid by insurers to providers
HB 2082 Specifies that certain contracts for health care benefits provided by qualified membership organizations to their members shall not be considered insurance under the laws of this state
HB 2084 Establishes provisions relating to political subdivisions
HB 2087 Modifies provisions relating to financial transactions
HB 2098 Modifies provisions relating to unemployment benefits
HB 2111 (Truly Agreed) - Modifies powers of the State Auditor
HB 2134 (Truly Agreed) - Creates new provisions relating to water pollution
HB 2140 Modifies provisions relating to elections
HB 2142 Modifies an income tax deduction for certain federal grant money
HB 2153 Creates provisions relating to water exportation across state boundaries
HB 2170 Modifies provisions relating to income taxes
HB 2227 Modifies provisions relating to child protection
HB 2267 Enacts provisions relating to insurance coverage of pharmacy services
HB 2274 Phases out the corporate income tax
HB 2279 Modifies provisions relating to roadway signs
HB 2280 Modifies provisions relating to professional licensing
HB 2282 Enacts the "Building Permit Reform Act"
HB 2287 (Truly Agreed) - Establishes provisions relating to elementary and secondary education
HB 2310 Modifies provisions of the Higher Education Core Curriculum Transfer Act
HB 2320 Selects the city of Branson as the official "Live Entertainment Capital" for the state of Missouri
HB 2322 Modifies licensing for embalmers and funeral directors
HB 2352 Modifies the Waterways and Ports Trust Fund
HB 2385 Provides that counties and cities shall not enact, maintain, or enforce certain ordinances relating to landlords and tenants
HB 2413 Modifies provisions relating to health care
HB 2430 Modifies provisions relating to the assessment of personal property
HB 2431 Modifies provisions relating to public employee retirement systems
HB 2432 Modifies a property tax credit for certain seniors
HB 2440 Enacts provisions relating to the regulation of insurance
HB 2571 Modifies provisions relating to financial statements of certain local governments
HB 2576 Modifies provisions relating to the offense of drug trafficking
HB 2599 Modifies provisions relating to transactions involving secure identity verification
HB 2626 Modifies MO HealthNet coverage of hearing instruments
HB 2628 Modifies and creates new provisions relating to electronic communications
HB 2634 (Truly Agreed) - Modifies provisions relating to public funding of abortion facilities and affiliates and provisions relating to MO HealthNet providers
HB 2650 Repeals and modifies provisions relating to the duties of the Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development
HB 2657 Modifies provisions relating to an income tax deduction for private pension benefits
HB 2670 Creates a provision relating to signage on public boat ramps
HB 2688 Modifies provisions relating to human trafficking
HB 2700 Modifies provisions relating to criminal proceedings
HB 2710 Authorizes a sales tax exemption for certain nuclear facilities
HB 2719 Modifies provisions relating to funds created in the state treasury
HB 2756 Modifies certain provisions of the Property Assessment Clean Energy Act
HB 2763 Creates a provision relating to pesticide labeling requirements
HB 2780 Modifies provisions relating to commercial transactions
HB 2797 Enacts state designations
HB 2874 Establishes the "Protecting Missouri's Small Businesses Act"
HCR 28 Convenes a joint session for the State of the State Address
HCR 30 Expresses support for Israel and recognition of its special relationship with the United States
HCR 37 Convenes a joint session to receive a message from the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Missouri
HCR 42 Celebrates the sister-state relationship between Taiwan and Missouri
HCR 45 Convenes a joint session to receive a message from Maor Elbaz-Starinsky, the Israeli Consul General in Miami, Florida
HCR 65 Convenes a joint session to receive a message from Director General Bill S.C. Huang, of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Denver, Colorado
HJR 68 Proposes an amendment to the Constitution of Missouri to require all county assessors to be elected
HJR 69 Modifies term limits for members of the General Assembly
HJR 78 Modifies provisions relating to property tax assessments
HJR 86 Modifies provisions relating to initiative petitions
HJR 104 Modifies constitutional provisions about elections and voting
HJR 132 Creates provisions relating to the offense of sexual trafficking of a child

House Bills: 128