
SB 773 - For the 2025-26 school year and all subsequent school years, this act requires every public school to install an automated external defibrillator (AED) in each school building and designate appropriate school personnel to be trained annually in the use of such AED. Such personnel shall have received training in the use of AEDs before the beginning of the 2025-26 school year.

The act outlines certain requirements for AEDs in schools, including approval by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and restrictions relating to the modification of AEDs. The act also establishes certain requirements relating to the maintenance, repair, and inspection of all components of each AED.

The availability and placement of each AED shall be overseen by school personnel in accordance with certain guidelines set forth in the act. An AED shall be placed in a location that allows it to be easily seen and retrieved by school personnel outside of normal school hours. AEDs shall be placed in areas where there is likely to be high traffic or congregation, such as auditoriums, cafeterias, or gymnasiums. The specific placement of an AED shall be determined after consultation with the local emergency medical services system or emergency medical response agency.

Each school district shall appoint a program coordinator who shall be responsible for administering the AED program for his or her school. The coordinator shall oversee training of school personnel in performing CPR and operating AEDs. The coordinator shall also oversee maintenance of AED equipment and maintain certain organizational reports relating to the training and use of AEDs.

Training in the use of an AED and the performance of CPR shall be based on the most current guidelines of the American Heart Association or the American Red Cross. Coordination with emergency medical services and ongoing quality improvement shall also be components of such training. Such training shall count toward the professional development requirements for teachers under current state law.

Before April 30th of each school year, each public school shall report to the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education on the implementation and availability of AEDs in each building of the school. The Department shall compile this data and submit a report to the General Assembly before the end of each school year.

This act is similar to HB 1771 (2024), HB 1852 (2024), and HB 426 (2023).


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