
SB 1284 - This act modifies the process for licensure as a professional counselor. Within fifteen days of receipt of an application for licensure as a professional counselor, the Division of Professional Registration ("Division") shall provide the applicant with electronic access to the application. Any missing information or documentation may be electronically submitted by the applicant to the Division, with certain exceptions provided in the act.

Upon submission of a completed application by an applicant who holds a graduate degree from certain accredited organizations, the Division shall issue the applicant a provisional license. Such license shall be valid until the application is reviewed by the Committee for Professional Counselors. If the application is rejected by the Committee, then the provisional license shall terminate immediately. If the application is approved, then the provisional license shall remain in effect until the termination date provided by rule. The act authorizes the Division to refuse to issue a provisional license through the expedited process in the act for certain listed reasons.

This act is identical to HB 2434 (2024).


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