
HCS/HBs 1948, 2066, 1721, & 2276 - This act modifies provisions relating to commercial activity.

SECONDHAND PROPERTY - CATALYTIC CONVERTERS (Sections 301.218, 407.300, 570.030, and 570.031)

This act requires persons buying or selling catalytic converters or catalytic converter components to be licensed by the Department of Revenue as a salvage dealer and dismantler. (Section 301.218).

The act extends, from 36 months to 4 years, the minimum period for which records shall be maintained by persons obtaining certain secondhand property, requires the records to be maintained in order of transaction date, and enacts additional record requirements specific to catalytic converters. The Department of Revenue shall establish an electronic reporting system for the records; and the purchasers, collectors, or dealers of the secondhand property shall submit records electronically or in paper format at least monthly. The act repeals existing fines for violations of the records requirements by salvage dealers and dismantlers, and specifies that violations shall be an E felony and grounds for revocation of their license. (Section 407.300).

The act also modifies the criminal offense of "stealing" to include catalytic converters, as defined in the act, that the person reasonably should suspect has been stolen (section 570.030), and creates the criminal offense of "unlawful possession of a detached catalytic converter" (section 570.031).

These provisions are substantially similar to SB 1439 (2024), the perfected HS/HCS/HBs 532 & 751 (2023), and provisions in HB 751 (2023), and similar to HB 1406 (2024), HB 555 (2023) and provisions in HB 1456 (2022).


This act prohibits solicitations of money by any writing that is not, but could reasonably be considered, a bill, invoice, or statement of account due, unless the solicitation includes certain conspicuous disclaimers as detailed in the act. Any person damaged by noncompliance with these provisions is entitled to damages of 3 times the sum solicited.

These provisions are identical to HB 2131 (2024).


This act modifies the manner in which the operator of a self-service storage facility is required to advertise the sale of property on which he or she is executing a lien. The lienholder may advertise the sale in any commercially reasonable manner, including newspaper classifieds as specified by current law, and the manner of advertisement shall be deemed commercially reasonable if at least 3 independent bidders attend or view the sale at the time and place advertised.

These provisions are identical to SB 938 (2024), SB 460 (2023), HB 1120 (2023), SB 885 (2022), HCS/SS#2/SCS/SB 968 (2022), HB 1689 (2022), the perfected HCS/HB 2289 (2022), SB 594 (2021) and HB 1135 (2021), and substantially similar to the perfected HB 1120 (2023).


This act repeals the restriction on the retail sale of certain goods, wares, and merchandise other than motor vehicles, on Sunday.


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