SB 899
Modifies provisions relating to child care provider licensing requirements for certain providers
LR Number:
Last Action:
2/28/2024 - SCS Voted Do Pass S Health and Welfare Committee (3635S.02C)
Journal Page:
Effective Date:
August 28, 2024

Current Bill Summary

SCS/SB 899 - Under current law, any program licensed as a child care provider that provides child care to school-age children located and operated on elementary or secondary school property shall be deemed in compliance with child care licensure requirements relating to safety, health, and fire. This act expands this provision to apply to all licensed programs providing child care to only school-age children, regardless of where such program is located and operated. "School-age children" is defined as any child five years of age or older who is in kindergarten or above. The act further exempt any program serving only children enrolled in sixth grade or above from certain child-care facility licensing requirements.

This act is identical to provisions in the truly agreed to and finally passed SS/SB 1111 (2024) and HCS/SS#2/SB 862 (2024) and similar to HB 1928 (2024).



No Amendments Found.