SB 793
Authorizes a sales tax exemption for feminine hygiene products
LR Number:
Last Action:
1/9/2024 - Second Read and Referred S Economic Development and Tax Policy Committee
Journal Page:
Effective Date:
August 28, 2024

Current Bill Summary

SB 793 - This act provides a sales tax exemption for all purchases of feminine hygiene products, defined as tampons, pads, liners, and cups.

This act is identical to SB 433 (2023) and SB 897 (2022), and to a provision in SB 858 (2024), SB 1119 (2024), HB 1762 (2024), HB 1920 (2024), HB 2112 (2024), SS/SCS/SBs 73 & 162 (2023), and SCS/HCS/HB 154 (2023), is substantially similar to HB 351 (2023) and HCS/HBs 1679 (2022), 2859, & 2272 (2022), and to a provision in HB 2187 (2024), HCS/SS/SB 143 (2023), HCS/HBs 876, 771, 676 & 551 (2023), and HB 1136 (2023), and is similar to SB 800 (2020), HCS/HBs 1306 & 2065 (2020), SB 443 (2019), and HB 747 (2019), and to a provision contained in HCS/SS/SCS/SB 570 (2020).



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