Bills assigned to General Laws


SB 745 Bernskoetter Modifies the duration of unemployment benefits based on the unemployment rate
SB 771 Brattin Modifies provisions relating to self-defense
SB 783 Bean Modifies provisions relating to self-defense
SB 787 Razer Prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity
SB 790 Roberts Creates the offense of unlawful possession of a firearm by a minor
SB 830 Rowden Requires the Department of Health and Senior Services to develop a pamphlet on nonopioid alternatives for pain treatment
SB 844 Bernskoetter Requires any amount paid on behalf of a health benefit plan enrollee to count toward the enrollee's cost-sharing
SB 845 Bernskoetter Modifies provisions relating to unemployment benefits
SB 915 McCreery Authorizes certain senior citizens to defer property taxes
SB 923 Eigel Creates new provisions relating to protecting public assets from adversarial foreign assets
SB 935 Bernskoetter Reduces workers' compensation benefits under certain circumstances based upon marijuana usage
SB 945 May Creates new provisions relating to leave from employment
SB 954 Eslinger Enacts provisions relating to manufactured housing
SB 960 Beck Modifies provisions regarding the safekeeping of personal information
SB 963 Razer Creates provisions relating to telephone solicitations to businesses
SB 1004 Eigel Creates the Anti-Red Flag Gun Seizure Act
SB 1017 Bernskoetter Repeals chapter 291, regulating industrial inspections by the Director of the Inspection Section
SB 1033 Beck Modifies provisions relating to unlawful possession of firearms
SB 1069 McCreery Creates the Missouri Earned Family and Medical Leave Act
SB 1072 Hoskins Reauthorizes the Big Government Get Off My Back Act
SB 1116 Schroer Establishes the Missouri Statewide Mechanical Contractors Licensing Act
SB 1126 McCreery Increases the minimum wage rate to $15 per hour by 2026
SB 1138 Brattin Modifies provisions relating to illegal aliens
SB 1143 Moon Modifies provisions relating to taxation
SB 1253 Thompson Rehder Allows for post-award negotiations by the Commissioner of Administration for certain contracts
SB 1268 Schroer Creates new provision relating to joint employers
SB 1296 O'Laughlin Conveys certain state property
SB 1373 Thompson Rehder Creates new provisions relating to illegal aliens
SB 1396 Fitzwater Creates provisions relating to covenants not to compete involving physicians
SB 1397 Brattin Creates provisions relating to firearms discrimination
SB 1430 Bernskoetter Creates provisions regulating the manufacture of ice
SB 1434 Thompson Rehder Modifies provisions relating to the destribution of revenue from mineral mining on federal land
SB 1477 Justin Brown (16) Authorizes the conveyance of an easement on certain state property
SB 1487 Ben Brown (26) Establishes the Missouri Statewide Mechanical Contractors Licensing Act
SB 1498 Beck Establishes the Missouri Statewide Mechanical Contractors Licensing Act
SB 1520 Hoskins Creates new provisions relating to illegal immigrants
SJR 65 Washington Places limits on increases of the assessment of certain properties
SJR 66 Washington Authorizes a property tax exemption for certain senior citizens
SJR 71 Black Provides for the levying of certain costs and fees to support the salaries and benefits of sheriffs, prosecuting attorneys, and circuit attorneys
SJR 75 Carter Modifies provisions relating to sheriffs
SJR 82 Brattin Replaces the property tax on real property with a sales tax
HB 1483 Christ Modifies provisions relating to taxation
HB 2058 Keathley Modifies provisions relating to local taxation
HB 2098 Thompson Modifies provisions relating to unemployment benefits
HB 2874 Seitz Establishes the "Protecting Missouri's Small Businesses Act"