Bills assigned to Health and Welfare


SB 775 Moon Modifies provisions relating to the protection of unborn children
SB 779 Eslinger Creates a human trafficking task force
SB 791 Roberts Modifies provisions relating to homelessness
SB 801 Fitzwater Modifies provisions relating to child protection
SB 810 Schroer Modifies provisions relating to eligible MO HealthNet providers
SB 811 Coleman Modifies provisions relating to child protection
SB 813 Coleman Modifies provisions relating to inspections of certain long-term care facilities
SB 851 Justin Brown (16) Modifies provisions relating to telemedicine
SB 862 Thompson Rehder Modifies provisions relating to the protection of vulnerable persons
SB 863 Thompson Rehder Modifies provisions relating to medication-assisted treatment and child placement
SB 873 Eslinger Modifies provisions relating to hospital designations
SB 874 Bean Repeals provisions relating to hemp extract for the treatment of intractable epilepsy
SB 899 Black Modifies provisions relating to child care provider licensing requirements for certain providers
SB 905 Coleman Modifies provisions relating to the protection of vulnerable persons
SB 906 Coleman Modifies provisions relating to the sexual exploitation of vulnerable persons
SB 916 Hoskins Modifies provisions relating to eligible MO HealthNet providers
SB 931 Arthur Modifies provisions relating to telehealth services
SB 943 May Modifies provisions relating to opioid prescriptions
SB 968 Washington Modifies provisions relating to use of marijuana by family court participants
SB 991 Carter Modifies provisions relating to administrative proceedings relating to MO HealthNet
SB 995 McCreery Modifies provisions relating to abuse and neglect reporting, including a requirement to report companion animal abuse
SB 997 McCreery Modifies provisions relating to distributors of hypodermic needles
SB 1012 Arthur Modifies provisions relating to the protection of vulnerable persons
SB 1040 Roberts Modifies provisions relating to legal representation for certain court proceedings involving children
SB 1055 Black Establishes the Designated Health Care Decision-Maker Act, which authorizes certain persons to make health care decisions for certain incapacitated persons
SB 1063 Carter Establishes provisions requiring liability insurance and prevention policies of childhood sexual abuse for child care providers and modifies civil actions for childhood sexual abuse
SB 1077 Koenig Prohibits contracts with the state for employers providing assistance to employees for the purpose of having an abortion
SB 1087 Moon Repeals the certificate of need law
SB 1095 Razer Modifies provisions relating to abortion
SB 1111 Black Modifies provisions relating to the regulation of child care
SB 1133 Koenig Modifies provisions relating to child placement
SB 1135 Arthur Repeals provisions of law relating to abortion
SB 1137 Arthur Modifies the exemptions from licensure required for certain child homes
SB 1168 Coleman Modifies provisions relating to public funding of abortion facilities and affiliates and provisions relating to MO HealthNet providers
SB 1184 Arthur Modifies provisions relating to the Missouri Housing Trust Fund
SB 1212 Moon Modifies provisions relating to hospital price transparency laws
SB 1236 Washington Modifies provisions relating to legal representation for certain court proceedings involving children
SB 1239 Washington Establishes standards for demographic data collection by certain entities
SB 1240 Washington Creates a health advocate program in the Department of Health and Senior Services
SB 1245 Thompson Rehder Modifies provisions relating to children and vulnerable persons
SB 1255 Razer Specifies that information concerning a person's HIV status or HIV testing may be shared with health carriers for certain purposes described under federal law
SB 1259 Fitzwater Modifies provisions relating to abuse and neglect reporting, including a requirement to report companion animal abuse
SB 1260 Gannon Modifies provisions relating to prenatal tests for certain diseases
SB 1320 Moon Prohibits tax credits for certain taxpayers paying for abortions
SB 1326 McCreery Modifies provisions relating to forensic examinations of victims of sexual offenses
SB 1328 McCreery Repeals a provisions of law relating to mammograms
SB 1336 Thompson Rehder Modifies provisions relating to funding for housing programs
SB 1361 Justin Brown (16) Modifies provisions relating to county developmental disability resource board taxes
SB 1385 Schroer Creates provisions relating to health care professionals and workplace violence
SB 1387 Moon Establishes a registration process for certain children's homes
SB 1398 Ben Brown (26) Modifies provisions relating to the protection of children and vulnerable persons
SB 1403 Mosley Establishes the Cancer Patients' Bill of Rights
SB 1406 Eslinger Creates provisions relating to hospitals with emergency departments
SB 1410 Fitzwater Creates the position of a dementia services coordinator within the Department of Health and Senior Services
SB 1443 McCreery Modifies MO HealthNet coverage of hearing instruments
SB 1454 Justin Brown (16) Modifies provisions relating to investment of moneys by county hospitals
SB 1484 Eslinger Authorizes a sales tax for the operation of hospital services
SB 1485 Justin Brown (16) Modifies the amount of certain drugs that may be sold or dispensed to an individual in a 12-month period
SB 1486 McCreery Modifies the definition of an unborn child to exclude embryos created through in vitro fertilization prior to implantation
SB 1494 Gannon Establishes the "End Hospital Institutuionalization Act"
SJR 57 Arthur Establishes crime victims' rights to a civil action with the same time limitations as the criminal action
SJR 62 Moon Recognizes that nothing in the Missouri Constitution shall be construed to secure or protect a right to abortion
SJR 76 Carter Modifies provisions relating to MO HealthNet
HB 1706 Myers Creates and modifies provisions relating to the protection of vulnerable persons
HB 2227 Kelly Modifies provisions relating to child protection
HB 2626 Parker Modifies MO HealthNet coverage of hearing instruments
HB 2634 Smith Modifies provisions relating to public funding of abortion facilities and affiliates and provisions relating to MO HealthNet providers